Wednesday Mar 12, 2025
Quotes: 53419
Authors: 9969
About Francis Bacon |
Francis Bacon |
(1561-1626) English Philosopher, Essayist, and Statesman
Popular Francis Bacon Quotes |
Over a century after the publication of the Copernican system, one of England's most renowned intellectual luminaries was still unconvinced: 'Nevertheless, in the system of Copernicus there are found many and great inconveniences; for both the loading of the earth with a triple motion is very incommodious, and the separation of the sun from the company of the planets, with which it has so many passions in common, is likewise a difficulty, and the introduction of so much immobility in nature, by representing the sun and stars as immovable, especially being of all bodies the highest and most radiant, and making the moon revolve about the earth in an epicycle, and some other assumptions of his, are the speculations of one who cares not what fictions he introduces into nature, provided his calculations answer.'
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