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You might believe a good man easily, a great man with pleasure. —Bonum virum facile crederes, magnum libenter

Mar 31, 2025

Quotes: 53419
Authors: 9969

About Samuel Barrett Pettengill

Samuel Barrett Pettengill

Samuel Barrett Pettengill

Samuel Barrett Pettengill (January 19, 1886 - March 20, 1974) was a U.S. Representative from Indiana, nephew of William Horace Clagett.

Born in Portland, Oreg., PettengillIn 1892 moved to Vermont with his father, who settled on a farm in Grafton, Windham County. He attended the common schools. He was graduated from Vermont Academy at Saxtons River in 1904, from Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vermont, in 1908, and from the law department of Yale University in 1911. He was admitted to the bar in 1912 and commenced practice in South Bend, Indiana. He served as member of the board of education of South Bend from 1926 to 1928.

Pettengill was elected as a Democrat to the Seventy-second and to the three succeeding Congresses (March 4, 1931-January 3, 1939). He was not a candidate for renomination in 1938 to the Seventy-sixth Congress. He resumed the practice of law. Newspaper columist 1939-1948. He served as vice president and general counsel of the Transportation Association of America from 1943 to 1945. National radio commentator from 1946 to 1948. Attorney for the Pure Oil Co., Chicago, Illinois from 1949 to 1956. Consultant, the Coe Foundation from 1956 to 1965. Resided at his boyhood farm near Grafton, Vermont. He died in Springfield, Vermont, March 20, 1974. He was interred in Grafton Village Cemetery, Grafton, Vermont.

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