FridayMar 07, 2025
Quotes: 53419 Authors: 9969
Paul LeRoy Bustill Robeson (April 9, 1898 - January 23, 1976) was a multi-lingual American actor, athlete, bass-baritone concert singer, writer, civil rights activist, fellow traveler, Spingarn Medal winner, and Stalin Peace Prize laureate.
In my music, my plays, my films, I want to carry always this central idea: to be African.
The patter of their feet as they walk through Jim Crow barriers to attend school is the thunder of the marching men of Joshua, and the world rocks beneath their tread.
My father was a slave and my people died to build this country, and I'm going to stay right here and have a part of it, just like you. And no fascist-minded people like you will drive me from it. Is that clear?
We ask for nothing that is not right, and herein lies the great power of our demand.
Freedom is a hard-bought thing and millions are in chains, but they strain toward the new day drawing near.
Through my singing and acting and speaking, I want to make freedom ring. Maybe I can touch people's hearts better than I can their minds, with the common struggle of the common man.
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