MondayMar 31, 2025
Quotes: 53419 Authors: 9969
Mickey Rooney (born Joseph Yule, Jr. on September 23, 1920), is an American film actor and musician whose eighty-five year career in entertainment began in 1922 and continues to this day.
I broke my leg after doing the first four days of A Midsummer's Night Dream at Big Bear in a toboggan accident where I was almost killed. I was in the front of the toboggan with three big guys in back of me with a lot of inertia of the heavy weight, and my foot slipped off the toboggan, went right in the snow and split me up the middle. If it hadn't broken my femur at the exact time, I would have been killed.... While I was recuperating there (Hollywood Presbyterian Hospital) to get back on the set of A Midsummer's Night Dream they were waiting for me where I did that entire picture in a plaster of Paris cast covered up by Olivia De Havilland's dress ... while I'm at the Presbyterian Hospital and I'm recuperating, my wife (Jan) is born on the 6th floor. Now that's a billion-to-one shot.
Milton Berle, member of the Friars Club: Mickey Rooney is a little man who's been a giant star for over 60 years. We Friars are most proud and happy to honor this legendary icon in the world of entertainment on May 7.
John Frances, Entertainment Chair, of the Friars Club: Of all the roasts that I have produced for the Friars Club, this is the one that I am most excited about. Mickey is one of the Club's dearest friends, and we wanted to honor him in the way we know best.
Now. Now is the most important time of all of your young lives. And what does now stand for N-O-W? No Other Way. That's the only time NOW!
There were times when I was broke, when I was down in Florida and I had to go to cocktail parties for 500 bucks to see the guy that used to be in pictures. I'm not ashamed of that. I've never done anything that I was ashamed of. I've done a lot of things I didn't mean to do.
On Hollywood turning its back on him: I wasn't in the club. You see, I'm not going to be a stroker. I never have been all my life.
Life is an infiltration course. We all try and get through it. We all try and get through it unscathed maybe not hurt, not bruised. No bones broken, maybe a few hearts here and there.
I hear Jerry Falwell every Sunday here talking about the devil and Hollywood.... I'm gonna write him a letter. Hollywood wasn't built on filth and dirt it was built on talent.
I am a firm believer in getting married in the morning. That way, if it doesn't work out you haven't wasted a whole day.
... children not kids. Kids are goats. I've always spoken of my children as children.
I belong to the public. The public made me. The public can break me. I owe them my life.
Age is only experience, and some of us are more experienced than others.
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