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Man is never less sincere than when he asks, or offers, advice. When he asks it, he seems to defer to the wisdom of his friend, but really he seeks approval of his own opinion, and to make his friend responsible with him for his actions. When he offers advice, he seems to repay the confidence of his inquirer with disinterested zeal, while really seeking to bolster his own advantage or reputation.

Nov 25, 2024

Quotes: 53419
Authors: 9969

Selected Quote

Quote Author: Massad F. Ayoob

Massad F. Ayoob

Massad F. Ayoob

Massad F. Ayoob (born July 20, 1948) is an internationally-known firearms and self-defense instructor. He is the Director of the Lethal Force Institute in Concord, New Hampshire, has taught police techniques and civilian self-defense in numerous venues since 1974, and has appeared as an expert witness in several trials. He has served as a part-time police officer in New Hampshire since 1972 and currently holds the rank of Captain in the Grantham, New Hampshire police department .

Massad Ayoob has authored several books and over one thousand articles on firearms, combat techniques, self-defense, and legal issues, and has served in an editorial capacity for Guns Magazine , American Handgunner , Gun Week , and Combat Handguns . Since 1995, he has written self-defense- and firearms-related articles for Backwoods Home Magazine . He also has a featured segment on the television show Personal Defense TV, which airs on The Outdoor Channel in the United States.

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