FridayMar 07, 2025
Quotes: 53419 Authors: 9969
The sinews of war are five - men, money, materials, maintenance (food) and morale.
Vote for the man who promises least. He'll be the least disappointing.
Behind the black portent of the new atomic age lies a hope which, seized upon with faith, can work out salvation.... Let us not deceive ourselves: we must elect world peace or world destruction.
I will never be an old man. To me, old age is always fifteen years older than I am.
Age is only a number, a cipher for the records. A man can't retire his experience. He must use it. Experience achieves more with less energy and time.
America has never forgotten and will never forget the nobler things that brought her into being and that light her path the path that was entered upon only one hundred and fifty years ago.... How young she is! It will be centuries before she will adopt that maturity of custom the clothing of the grave that some people believe she is already fitted for.
A dangerous fallacy is to repudiate freedom in favor of an unknown future. What else but our own sturdy reliance on freedom can explain the unexampled record this country has made? In a period scarcely twice my own lifetime it has risen from nothingness to become the world's greatest power. It has become the ark of the covenant of freedom.
We are in the midst of a cold war*which is getting warmer. *The term cold war was originated by Baruch in 1947.
Government is not a substitute for people, but simply the instrument through which they act. And if the individual fails to do his duty as a citizen, government becomes a very deadly instrument indeed.
Two things are bad for the heart running up stairs and running down people.
A man sentenced to death obtained a reprieve by assuring the king he would teach his majestys horse to fly within the year on the condition that if he didnt succeed, he would be put to death at the end of the year. 'Within a year,' the man explained later, 'the king may die, or I may die, or the horse may die. Furthermore, in a year, who knows? Maybe the horse will learn to fly.' My philosophy is like that mans. I take the long-range view.
I am interested in physical medicine because my father was. I am interested in medical research because I believe in it. I am interested in arthritis because I have it.
If you have made a mistake, cut your losses as quickly as possible.
To me, old age is always 15 years older than I am.
Every man has a right to his opinion, but no man has a right to be wrong in his facts.
I was the son of an immigrant. I experienced bigotry, intolerance and prejudice, even as so many of you have. Instead of allowing these thing to embitter me, I took them as spurs to more strenuous effort. .
We can't cross a bridge until we come to it; but I always like to lay down a pontoon ahead of time.
Unless each man produces more than he receives, increases his output, there will be less for him and all the others.
Society can progress if mens labors show a profit if they yield more than is put in. To produce at a loss must leave less for all to share.
Approach each new problem not with a view of finding what you hope will be there, but to get the truth, the realities that must be grappled with. You may not like what you find. In that case you are entitled to try to change it. But do not deceive yourself as to what you do find to be the facts of the situation.
Only as you do know yourself can your brain serve you as a sharp and efficient tool. Know your failings, passions, and prejudices so you can separate them from what you see. Know also when you actually have thought through to the nature of the thing with which you are dealing and when you are not thinking at all.
Whatever task you undertake, do it with all your heart and soul. Always be courteous, never be discouraged. Beware of him who promises something for nothing. Do not blame anybody for your mistakes and failures. Do not look for approval except the consciousness of doing your best.
Science has taught us how to put the atom to work. But to make it work for good instead of for evil lies in the domain dealing with the principles of human duty.
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