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Henri Pruniéres commenting on the music of Claude Debussy: He was the incomparable painter of mystery, silence, and the infinite, of the passing cloud, and the sunlit shimmer of the waves—subleties which none before him had been capable of suggesting.

Nov 21, 2024

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Quote Author: Sir William Blackstone

Sir William Blackstone

Sir William Blackstone

Sir William Blackstone (originally pronounced Blexstun) (10 July 1723 - 14 February 1780) was an English jurist and professor who produced the historical and analytic treatise on the common law called Commentaries on the Laws of England , first published in four volumes over 1765 - 1769. It had an extraordinary success, reportedly bringing the author £14,000, and still remains an important source on classical views of the common law and its principles.

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