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I hear Jerry Falwell every Sunday here talking about the devil and Hollywood.... I'm gonna write him a letter. Hollywood wasn't built on filth and dirt — it was built on talent.

Dec 21, 2024

Quotes: 53419
Authors: 9969

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Quote Author: William Penn Adair "Will" Rogers

William Penn Adair

William Penn Adair "Will" Rogers

William Penn Adair "Will" Rogers (November 4, 1879 - August 15, 1935) was a Cherokee-American cowboy, comedian, humorist, social commentator, vaudeville performer and actor.

Known as Oklahoma's favorite son, Rogers was born to a prominent Indian Territory family and learned to ride horses and use a lariat so well that he was listed in the Guinness Book of World Records for throwing three ropes at once—one around the neck of a horse, another around the horse's rider, and a third around all four legs of the horse. He ultimately traveled around the world three times, made 71 movies (50 silent films and 21 "talkies"), wrote more than 4,000 nationally-syndicated newspaper columns, and became a world-famous figure.

By the mid-1930s, Rogers was adored by the American people, and was the top-paid movie star in Hollywood at the time. On an around-the-world trip with aviator Wiley Post, Rogers died when their small airplane crashed near Barrow, Alaska Territory in 1935.

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