ThursdayMar 13, 2025
Quotes: 53419 Authors: 9969
There is a special kind of girl who goes where the action is, but only if the action is the right kind.... Who centers the happy storm about her, but doesn't stir up one. Who makes a mere event a happening. Who isn't content with contentment. Who doesn't fight the inevitable nor ignore opportunitiesbut who joins forces with time and fate and rises to every occasion. This special kind of girl knows that the way she moves, the way she speaks, the fragrance about her, and the good things she does mark the difference between herself and the girl who just doesn't really care enough about being a girl. This special kind of girl makes up her own mind after careful, prayerful thought. She sets her own image. Shes tasteful, individual, exciting. She's worthwhile and a breath of sweet life.
If we had everything we wanted and needed without asking of Heavenly Father, we would lose sight of the hand of God in our lives.
Every burden on the back can become a gift in the hand.
Take a hard look at those things, which we needlessly turn into burdens, when they were meant to be blessings.
Through prayer, our free agency is used to admit and confess our deep desire to have God's help in our lives.
What this misguided world and generation needs is a massive group of courageous and caring, wise and unwearying women.
There are so many options, so much to do, so many demands on Women. There is no point in taking one hour to do a ten-minute task, nor should we slap together an hour-worthy project in ten minutes.
As an extension of Christ in the lives of his children is the only trend enough for a woman's precious energies.
The Lord, creator of life, has given us information to act upon that is guaranteed by him to guide us to our goal of life eternal.
A life's record with God in the details can be a spiritual feast for our souls. When we count our blessings on paper, our gratitude soars. It is all so evident.
If we want to be used for the benefit of mankindhelping the Lord with his missionwe must ourselves be in a position to be used by him.
Lifes extremities can bring God's proximity.
Obedience sets a woman apart, fills her with life, permits her to be God-blessed.
Unless inside, where no one sees, our soul is kneelling, too, a prayer is not so likely to get through.
Never forget that you have the spark of the divine in you. Whatever you do or don't do won't change this fact.
A search of one's life and soul will reveal the hand of God. The outpouring of his blessings come with our afflictions, not in spite of them. Afflictions be praised!
Pity those who cannot say: Thy will be done not mine, today.
There are two important days in a woman's lifethe day she is born and the day she finds out why.
Whatever our personal burden or cross to bear might be, we are here. We live! We Learn! The Grand Adventure is under way for us. Terrible as our trials might be, we are blessed and not abandoned by God.
At work you worry over the family at home. At home you fret over work left undone. Behold the working woman's stress.
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