SundayFeb 23, 2025
Quotes: 53419 Authors: 9969
Everything there is to say has been saidand well saidabout the tidal wave that is mingling the irreversible globalization of human activity with ever-faster scientific and technical progress. This worldwide process raises two crucial questions: How can people, and in the first place governments, maintain the necessary control over these changes? And, how can our societies keep pace with the precipitous course of change without damage to themselves? Every political leader is obliged to act to keep the pace and scale of this process under control, so that our peoples may reap its full benefits.
Franco-American relations have been, and always will be, both conflictual and excellent. The U.S. finds France unbearable with its pretensions; we find the U.S. unbearable with its hegenomism. But deep down, we remember that the 'boys' came to help us two times, just as the Americans remember that the French helped them with their independence. So there will be sparks but no fire, because a real bond exists.
Helping to build a better-organized, fair and harmonious world: that idea lies at the heart of my conception of our countrys role. Down through the centuries, France has provided answers to the great questions facing mankind. In continuing to do so, France is responding to a genuine demand, displaying leadership and influencing the course of events.
The authority and influence of France on the world scene in the 21st century will not depend solely on its modernity and cohesion, nor even on the continuity and professionalism of its foreign policy. France will be heeded if it has a message to convey. Faced with the temptations of laissez-faire, France must stand out as the nation with the imagination and determination to pursue an ambition that combines cogency with generosity.
Never before has information been so important, to governments and businesses alike. And please dont imagine that some of you gathered here today may be less concerned than others. Globalization means that the 'butterfly effect' is everywhere at work. The mistakes of a stockbroker in Singapore or the collapse of the Baht in Bangkok, the decisions of a Finnish industrial concern, or what the Governor of Minas Gerais in Brazil decides to do about his States debt, have had consequences for the world as a whole. More than raw information, what I expect from you is shrewd judgement and foresight. I also expect you to have the courage to commit yourself by proposing new initiatives.
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