ThursdayMar 13, 2025
Quotes: 53419 Authors: 9969
It takes time for the absent to assume their true shape in our thoughts.
I am indebted to the cat for a particular kind of honorable deceit, for a greater control over myself, for a characteristic aversion to brutal sounds, and for the need to keep silent for long periods of time.
My cat does not talk as respectfully to me as I do to her.
A woman who thinks she is intelligent demands the same rights as man. An intelligent woman gives up.
What a wonderful life I've had! I only wish I'd realized it sooner.
It is wise to apply the oil of refined politeness to the mechanism of friendship.
If I can't have too many truffles, I'll do without truffles.
Writing only leads to more writing.
Researchers, with science as their authority, will be able to cut animals up, alive, into small pieces, drop them from a great height to see if they are shattered by the fall, or deprive them of sleep for sixteen days and nights continuously for the purposes of an iniquitous monograph.... Animal trust, undeserved faith, when at last will you turn away from us? Shall we never tire of deceiving, betraying, tormenting animals before they cease to trust us?
The day after that wedding night I found that a distance of a thousand miles, abyss and discovery and irremediable metamorphosis, separated me from the day before.
By means of an image we are often able to hold on to our lost belongings. But it is the desperateness of losing which picks the flowers of memory, binds the bouquet.
You will do foolish things, but do them with enthusiasm.
Be happy. It is a way of being wise.
A happy childhood is poor preparation for human contacts.
A bestial and violent man will go so far as to kill because he is under the influence of drink, exasperated, or driven by rage and alcohol. He is paltry. He does not know the pleasure of killing, the charity of bestowing death like a caress, of linking it with the play of the noble wild beasts: every cat, every tiger, embraces its prey and licks it even while it destroys it.
No temptation can ever be measured by the value of its object.
Whether you are dealing with an animal or a child, to convince is to weaken.
On this narrow planet, we have only the choice between two unknown worlds. One of them tempts us ah! what a dream, to live in that! the other stifles us at the first breath.
Those pleasures so lightly called physical.
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