WednesdayMar 12, 2025
Quotes: 53419 Authors: 9969
Until you learn to discipline your mind and have complete control over it, you will be expressly limited in your capacity to exercise faith. The full power of the mind is only realized when it is specifically focused and directed to a specific end. If you allow your mind to dwell randomly on incidental or mundane preoccupations, you will be limited in your ability to draw on the power of faith and your mind will not be a source of power for you. You will discover, however, that as you attempt to control and focus your mind, the devil will bring things to your view to distract you. When you can control your mind and not allow it to be distracted, you will be able to exercise unlimited faith and unlock the powers of heaven by your faith.
When you set goals that cannot be attained or realized without the Lords help, you should consistently remind yourself of the process of faith that is required to call down the powers of heaven. You will become frustrated if you set goals that require assistance from the powers of heaven to be realized and then fail to exercise the necessary faith that will allow your Father in Heaven the opportunity to assist you in attaining your particular goal. It is extremely important that you are conscious of the role of faith as a principle of power in the attainment of some goals. The faith that motivates you to have determination will make it possible to realize some goals, but faith as a principle of power is the key to achieving many other goals.
The gifts of the spirit are at your disposal to assist you in all aspects of your life if you seek them. For example, there will be times in you life when you will be required to put in long hours in connection with your employment and/or your Church assignments. You are entitled to a gift of the spirit which will result in the literal renewal of your body. The Lord has promised that if you exercise faith and request it, you 'shall not be weary in mind ... neither in body, limb, nor joint.' (D&C 84:80.)
When you encounter a situation that causes you to doubt your ability to achieve your desire, request the Lords help in maintaining an attitude of faith.
When a person is groping in life, we say 'he has not found himself.' This statement is not accurate. Self is created, not found.
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