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He [Oliver Cromwell] said: 'I see there is a people risen, that I cannot win either with gifts, honors, offices or places; but all other sects and people I can.'

May 04, 2024

Quotes: 53419
Authors: 9969

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Quote Author: James Tiberius Kirk

James Tiberius Kirk

James Tiberius Kirk

James Tiberius Kirk is a fictional character in the Star Trek universe. He was the main character in the original Star Trek television series and the films based on it, played by William Shatner. Kirk commanded two starships named Enterprise : the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) and the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-A).

In 2007, J. J. Abrams announced that Kirk would be a character in his upcoming Star Trek film. In October 2007, it was announced that actor Chris Pine will play the role of Kirk in the 2008 film' .

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