TuesdayMar 11, 2025
Quotes: 53419 Authors: 9969
John Lyly (Lilly or Lylie) (c. 1553 or 1554 - November 1606) was an English writer, best known for his books Euphues, The Anatomy of Wit and Euphues and His England . Lyly's linguistic style, originating in his first books, is known as Euphuism .
Children and fools speak true.
Beauty - a deceitful bait with a deadly hook.
The greatest harm that you can do unto the envious, is to do well.
As lyke as one pease is to another.
Beauty a deceitful bait with a deadly hook.
It is a blind goose that cometh to the fox's sermon.
Far more seemly to have thy study full of books, than thy purse full of money.
A clere conscience is a sure carde.
Goe to bed with the Lambe, and rise with the Larke.
He that loseth his honestie hath nothing to lose.
The measure of life is not length, but honesty.
Where the mind is past hope, the heart is past shame.
The finest edge is made with the blunt whetstone.
Maydens, be they never so foolyshe, yet beeing fayre they are commonly fortunate.
Marriages are made in heaven and consummated on Earth.
All men [are] of one metal, but not in one mold.
In misery it is great comfort to have a companion.
Night has a thousand eyes.
I mean not to run with the Hare and holde with the Hounde.
I thank you for nothing, because I understand nothing.
Many strokes overthrow the tallest oaks.
The soft droppes of rain perce the hard marble.
A Rose is sweeter in the budde than full blowne.
Your eyes are so sharpe that you cannot onely looke through a Milstone, but cleane through the minde.
There can no great smoke arise, but there must be some fire.
Where the streame runneth smoothest, the water is deepest.
Instruments sound sweetest when they are touched softest.
Time draweth wrinkles in a fair face, but addeth fresh colors to a fast friend, which neither heat, nor cold, nor misery, nor place, nor destiny, can alter or diminish.
Be valyaunt, but not too venturous. Let thy attyre bee comely, but not costly.
It is a world to see.
After three days, fish and guests stink.
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