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Civilization has little to fear from educated people and brain-workers. In them the replacement of religious motives for civilized behaviours by other, secular motives, would proceed unobtrusively....

Nov 24, 2024

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Quote Author: Spirella



Spirella was a company which manufactured made-to-measure corsets. It was founded on a patent of dressbone, for bustles (Spirella 1 and Spirella 2), but start by corset in 1904 and was bought in 1985 by the rival Spencers of Banbury and final closure in July 1989. It had factories in the USA (New Haven, Connecticut, Meadville, Pennsylvania), the UK (Letchworth, England) and Sweden Malmö. Its most popular corset was the Model 305. Spirella products were not sold in shops. Instead, staff called corsetieres were sent to customer's homes.

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