SundayFeb 23, 2025
Quotes: 53419 Authors: 9969
I've seen a look in dogs' eyes, a quickly vanishing look of amazed contempt, and I am convinced that basically dogs think humans are nuts.
In the streets of New York between seven and nine in the morning you will see the slow procession of dog and downer proceeding from street to tree to hydrant to trash basket. They are apartment dogs. They are taken out twice a day, and, while it is a cliché, it is truly amazing how owner and dog resemble each other. They grow to walk alike and have the same set of head.
Man, unlike any other thing organic or inorganic in the universe, grows beyond his work, walks up the stairs of his concepts, emerges ahead of his accomplishments.
No one wants advice, only corroboration.
Books are the best friends you can have; they inform you, and entertain you, and they don't talk back.
All Americans believe that they are born fishermen. For a man to admit a distaste for fishing would be like denouncing mother-love or hating moonlight.
Father and son are natural enemies and each is happier and more secure in keeping it that way.
Power does not corrupt. Fear corrupts ... perhaps the fear of a loss of power.
Ideas are like rabbits. You get a couple and learn how to handle them, and pretty soon you have a dozen.
No man really knows about other human beings. The best he can do is to suppose that they are like himself.
Okie useta mean you was from Oklahoma. Now it means youre scum. Dont mean nothing itself, its the way they say it.
Must hunger become anger and anger fury before anything will be done?
People need responsibility. They resist assuming it, but they cannot get along without it.
Lord, how the day passes! It's like a life so quickly when we don't watch it, and so slowly if we do.
Writers are a little below the clowns and a little above the trained seals.
We have never understood why men mount the heads of animals and hang them up to look down on their conquerers. Possibly it feels good to these men to feel superior to animals, but does it not seem that if they were sure of it they would not have to prove it? Often a man who is afraid must constantly demonstrate his courage and, in the case of the hunter, must keep a tangible record of his courage.
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