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Living is easy with eyes closed Misunderstand all you see It's getting hard to be someone but it all works out It doesn't matter much to me

Mar 12, 2025

Quotes: 53419
Authors: 9969

Selected Quote

Quote Author: John Howe

John Howe

John Howe

John Howe (born August 21, 1957 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada) is a book illustrator, living in Neuchatel, Switzerland. One year after graduating from high school, he studied in a college in Strasbourg, France, then at the Ecole des Arts Décoratifs.

He is best known for his work based on J. R. R. Tolkien's worlds. Howe and Alan Lee were the lead artists of Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings movie trilogy. Howe also re-illustrated the maps of The Lord of the Rings , The Hobbit , and The Silmarillion in 1996 - 2003. His work is however not limited to this, and includes images of myths such as the Anglo Saxon legend of Beowulf. He also illustrated many other books, amongst which many belong to the fantasy genre (Robin Hobb's books for instance.) Howe also contributed to the film adaptation of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis. In 2005 a limited edition of George R. R. Martin's novel A Clash of Kings was released by Meisha Merlin, complete with numerous illustrations by Howe.

John Howe is a member of the living history group the Company of Saynt George.

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