WednesdayMar 12, 2025
Quotes: 53419 Authors: 9969
Where life is more terrible than death, it is then the truest valor to dare to live.
Yet is every man his own greatest enemy, and as it were his own executioner.
Every Country hath its Machiavel.
Life is pure flame, and we live by an invisible sun within us.
Be charitable before wealth makes thee covetous.
Be substantially great in thyself, and more than thou appearest unto others.
Be able to be alone. Lose not the advantage of solitude, ... but delight to be alone and single with Omnipresency....
We carry with us the wonders we seek without us.
Had not almost every man suffered by the Press, or were not the tyranny thereof become universal, I had not wanted reason for complaint.
All the wonders you seek are within yourself.
A man may be in as just possession of truth as of a city, and yet be forced to surrender.
Not pickt from the leaves of any author, but bred amongst the weeds and tares of mine own brain.
As sins proceed, they ever multiply; and like figures in arithmetic, the last stands for more than all that went before it.
Think not silence the wisdom of fools; but, if rightly timed, the honor of wise men, who have not the infirmity, but the virtue of taciturnity.
He hath riches sufficient, who hath enough to be charitable.
Give me my scallop-shell of quiet, Sleep is so like death, I dare not trust it without my prayers.
That miracles have been, I do believe; that they may yet be wrought by the living, I do not deny; but I have no confidence on those which are fathered on the dead.
... indeed what reason may not go to Schoole to the wisdome of Bees, Ants, and Spiders? what wise hand teacheth them to doe what reason cannot teach us? ruder heads stand amazed at those prodigious pieces of nature, Whales, Elephants, Dromidaries and Camels; these I confesse, are the Colossus and Majestick pieces of her hand; but in these narrow Engines there is more curious Mathematicks, and the civilitie of these little Citizens more neatly sets forth the wisdome of their Maker.
God is like a skilful Geometrician.
All things began in Order, so shall they end, and so shall they begin again, according to the Ordainer of Order, and the mystical mathematicks of the City of Heaven.
If there be any among those common objects of hatred I do contemn and laugh at, it is that great enemy of reason, virtue, and religion, the multitude; that numerous piece of monstrosity, which, taken asunder, seem men, and the reasonable creatures of God, but, confused together, make but one great beast, and a monstrosity more prodigious than Hydra.
It is the common wonder of all men, how among so many millions of faces, there should be none alike.
Think it more satisfactory to live richly than die rich.
Were the happiness of the next world is as closely apprehended as the felicities of this, it were a martyrdom to live.
The long habit of living indisposeth us for dying.
No man can justly censure or condemn another, because indeed no man truly knows another.
I have tried if I could reach that great resolution ... to be honest without a thought of Heaven or Hell.
To believe only possibilities is not Faith, but mere Philosophy.
There is surely a piece of divinity in us, something that was before the elements, and owes no homage unto the sun.
I could never divide myself from any man upon the difference of an opinion, or he angry with his judgment for not agreeing with me in that, from which perhaps within a few days I should dissent my self.
We all labour against our own cure, for death is the cure of all diseases.
He who discommendeth others obliquely commendeth himself.
There is another man within me that's angry with me.
Therefore for Spirits, I am so far from denying their existence that I could easily believe, that not only whole Countries, but particular persons, have their Tutelary and Guardian Angels.
Soul - Something in us that can be without us and will be After us.
There is nothing strictly immortal, but immortality. Whatever hath no beginning may be confident of no end.
Life is a pure flame, And we live by an invisible sun within us.
Much that we call evil is really good in disguises; And we should not quarrel rashly with adversities not yet understood, nor overlook the mercies often bound up in them.
Sleep is a death, O make me try, By sleeping, what it is to die: And as gently lay my head On my grave, as now my bed.
Death is the cure for all diseases.
Life itself is but the shadow of death, and souls but the shadows of the living. All things fall under this name. The sun itself is but the dark simulacrum, and light but the shadow of God.
There is music wherever there is harmony, order, or proportion.
I am not so much afraid of death, as ashamed thereof; tis the very disgrace and ignominy of our natures.
Herostratus lives that burnt the Temple of Diana - he is almost lost that built it.
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