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I have become convinced — the hard way — that the only reliable guideposts for responsible and respectable conduct, including foreign policy formulations and international relations, is a true composite of morality, legality and reality. When this trio is not in harmony, policies and actions go askew, contrary to popular pragmatic precepts. I have discovered that moral sense and common sense are not mutually exclusive. As a practical matter they are synonymous indeed. Unprincipled policies are ultimately and inherently impractical. The sooner one learns that simple lesson, the simpler one's life becomes.

Feb 06, 2025

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Quote Author: Eric Hoffer

Eric Hoffer

Eric Hoffer

Eric Hoffer (July 25, 1898 - May 21, 1983) was an American social writer. He produced ten books and was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in February 1983 by President of the United States Ronald Reagan. His first book, The True Believer , published in 1951, was widely recognized as a classic, receiving critical acclaim from both scholars and laymen. This book, which he considered his best [ citation needed ] , established his reputation [ citation needed ] . He remained a successful [ citation needed ] writer for most of his remaining years.

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