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My idea of heaven is eating pate de foie gras to the sound of trumpets.

Oct 22, 2024

Quotes: 53419
Authors: 9969

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A. H. R. Fairchild Abraham Flexner Abraham L. Feinberg
Admiral Farragaut Alan Dean Foster Alice M. Fellinger
Alicia Christian Foster Allan Fromme Anatole France
Andrew Fletcher Ann Fairbairn Anna Freud
Annelies Marie "Anne" Frank Annette Joanne Funicello Arthur Fellig
Arthur Freed Atticus Finch Aulus Persius Flaccus
Austin Farrar B. C. Forbes Barry Forbes
Benjamin F. Fairless Benjamin Franklin Benjamin Franklin Finkel
Bernard Le Bovier de Fontenelle Bernice Fitz-Gibbon Betty Friedan
Betty Naomi Friedan Bill Faherty Black Feather
Brendan Francis Brian Fitzpatrick Brian Fox
Bruce Friedman Bruce Jay Friedman Calista Kay Flockhart
Carrie Frances Fisher Catherine M. Fanshawe Catherine Rippenger Fenwick
Charles B. Fairbanks Charles C. Finn Charles Feeney
Charles Feidelson, Jr. Charles Fillmore Charles Fitz-Geffrey
Charles Frohman Charles James Fox Charles Macomb Flandrau
Charles Oscar Finley Christopher Fry Cicely (changed to Cicily) Isabel Fairfield
Clarence Francis Claude Moore Fuess Claudia Fields
Clifton Fadiman Clifton Paul Fadiman Con the Fruiterer
Cort R. Flint David Dudley Field David Fairchild
David Ferrier David Franklin Fasold David Friedman
David G. Farragut David Harold Fink Dawn Roma French
de Finod De la Ferté Deborah Farmer
Derwood Fincher Dian Fossey Dick Francis
Dirk John Fischer Don Fraser Dorothy Canfield Fisher
Dorothy Fulheim Doug Floyd Douglas Fairbanks, Sr.
Dr. Benjamin Fine Dr. John H. Finley Dr. Martin Henry Fischer
Dr. Michael W. Fox Dr. Richard Fritz Dr. Robert C. Fulford, D.O.
Dr. Warren Farrell Edgar R. Fiedler Edgar Z. Friedenberg
Edna Ferber Edna Frohock Edward Augustus Freeman
Edward Fitzgerald Edward Flaherty Edward Morgan 'E. M.' Forster
Elizabeth Fishel Ella Jane Fitzgerald Emmet Fox
Emperor Ferdinand I Enrico Fermi Erich Fromm
Ernest A. Fitzgerald Errol Leslie Thomson Flynn Eugene Field
Eva Figes Ezola Foster F. Scott Fitzgerald
Farrar Father X Federico Fellini
Felelon Felix Frankfurter Feltham
Fen-Yang Ferdinand Foch Ferguson
Fernando Ferrah Leni Fawcett Fichte
Fisher Flint Fontenelle
Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald Francisco Franco Francois Fenelon
Frank E. Fischer Frank Irving Fletcher Franklin Field
Fred . Fitch Fred Francis Fred Friendly
Frederic William Farrar Frederick Faber Frederick Franck
Frederick William Faber Friedrich Wilhelm Christian Karl Ferdinand Froude
G. Walter Fiske Gary Franks Gene Fowler
Geoffrey Fieger Geoffrey Fisher George Edward Foreman
George Farquhar George Finlayson George Fox
George Griffith Fetter Gerald Rudolph Ford, Jr. Giles H. Florence
Giovanni Falcone Glenn Frank Gottlob Frege
Grace Firth Gustav Freytag Gustave Flaubert
Guy Fawkes H. S. Ferns Haneef A. Fatmi
Harold Athol Fugard Harrison Ford Harry Emerson Fosdick
Harvey C. Fruehauf Harvey Fierstein Harvey S. Firestone
Henry Fielding Henry Ford Henry Ford II
Henry Waldorf Francis Herman Northrop Frye Hiroshi Fujusaki
Hoosier Farmer Horace Fletcher Howell Forgy
Ian Frazier Ian L. Fleming Ian Lancaster Fleming
Immanuel Hermass von Fichte Immanuel von Fichte Irving Fisher
J. B. Ferrarius J. J. Furnas J. Jackson Frown
J.Todd Ferrier James A. Froude James Anthony Froude
James Dillet Freeman James Esdras Faust James Fallows
James Feibleman James French James G. Frazer
James K. Feibleman James O. Freedman James William Fulbright
Jane Fonda Janet Flanner Jason Farnon
Jay Wright Forrester Jean de La Fontaine Jean de La La Fontaine
Jean Henri Fabre Jerome New Frank Jerome P. Fleishman
Jim Fiebig Jim Fox Joan Miró i Ferrà
Joe Fafard Johann Gottlieb Fichte John A. Fisher
John Ferriar John Fischer John Flavel
John Fletcher John Florio John Ford
John Forster John Foster John Foxe
John Gould Fletcher John H. Fischer John Hookham Frere
John Neville Figgis John Robert Fowles Joseph Farrell
Joseph Franko Joseph K. Folsom Jules Feiffer
Justice Stephen J. Field Keith Floyd Kent Vaughn Flannery
Kermit the Frog Larry Finkelstein Leon Merle Flanders, D.D.
Lester Raymond Flatt Libbie Fudim Linda Festa
Linda Furney Linus R. Fike Lord 'Johnnie' Fisher
Lord Falkland Louis XVII of France Lucius Cary, Viscount Falkland
Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach Ludwig Feuerbach Luise von François
Lynn Fontanne M. F. K. Fisher Malcolm Fraser
Malcolm S. Forbes Maréchal Ferdinand Foch Margaret Sarah Fuller
Margery Fish Margot Fonteyn Marian Botsford Fraser
Marilyn Ferguson Marilyn Frye Marion Bayard Folsom
Marjorie Fleming Marshall Field Marshall Fishwick
Marsilio Ficino Martin Alan "Marty" Feldman Marvin E. Frankel
Mary A. Ford Maurice Freehill Max Frisch
Michael Franti Michael Frayn Miles Franklin
Millard Dean Fuller Millard Fillmore Millard Fuller
Millicent Hammond Fenwick Milton Friedman Minnie Maddern Fiske
Miriam ``Ma'' Ferguson Moshé Pinchas Feldenkrais Nan Fairbrother
Nancy Fox Nancy Frankenberry Nicholas "Nick" Alexander Faldo
Norman Ford Oscar W. Firkins Owen Feltham
Patricia Fleming Paul Fix Paul Fleischman
Paul Fussell Pauline Frederick Paulo Freire
Peggy Gale Fleming Peter Farquharson Peter Finch
Phineas Fletcher Piero Ferrucci Pierre de Fermat
Pink Floyd Publius Annius Florus R. Buckminster Fuller
R. J. Farrer R.I. Fitzhenry Randolph S. Foster
Rep. Thomas S. Foley Richard Buckminster “Bucky” Fuller Richard Flemming
Richard Ford Richard Franck Richard Friedman
Richard J. Ferris Richard P. Feynman Richard Phillips Feynman
Robert Freeman Robert Fritz Robert Fulghum
Robert Hutchison Finch Robert Joseph Flaherty Robert Lee Frost
Robert Lee Fulghum Robin Lane Fox Rosalind Fordham
Rose Amy Fyleman Rose Franken Roy Broadbent Fuller
Ruth H. Funk Ruth May Fox Sally Forth
Sally Fox Sam Walter Foss Samuel Foote
Scott Fortini Sean Flannagan Sextus Julius Frontinus
Shannon Fife Shelby Friedman Sherman Finesilver
Shulamith Firestone Sigmund Freud Sir David Paradine Frost
Sir P. Francis Sir Robert Falconer Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher
Sonya Friedman Stephen A. Fuqua Susan C. Faludi
Thomas Ford Thomas Frank Thomas Fuller
Tim Freeman Tom Fasulo V. H. Friedlaender
Vaughn J. Featherstone Victor Fleming Viktor E. Frankl
Vincent T. Floss Violet Fane W. C. Fields
W.B. Frankland Will Foley William A. Feather
William A. Foster William Cuthbert Faulkner William Falconer
William Fitzosborne William G. Farrow Zelda Fitzgerald
´Edouard Fournier