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Art is running away without ever leaving home.

Mar 28, 2025

Quotes: 53419
Authors: 9969

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'Grandma' Anna Mary Robertson Moses A. J. Marshall A. T. Mercier
A.J. Muste Aaron Machado Abraham (Harold) Maslow
Abraham Maslow Abraham Myerson Adam Marshall
Adam Michnik Adolph Monod Adrian Mathesis
Agnes George de Mille Agnes Machphail Aimee Semple Mcpherson
Al McGuire Alan Alexander Milne Alan Lindsay Mackay
Alan Loy McGinnis Alan Moore Alanis Nadine Morissette
Albert Abraham Michelson Aldus Manutius Alex McColl
Alex Mozart Alexander B. Morrison Alexander Mille
Alexander Pope, 1688-1744 Essay on Man Alfred Armand Montapert Alfred De Musset
Alfred Hart Miles Alfred Thayer Mahan Alice Duer Miller
Alice Hansche Mortenson Alice MacGraw Allan Massie
Alvan Macauley Anand Malik Andre Malraux
Andre Maurois Andrew Marvel Andrew Marvell
Andrew V. Mason Andrew V. Mason, MD Andrew W. Mathis
Andrew William Mellon Andy McIntyre Angela Monet
Anna Mary Robertson Moses Annabella Milbanke Anne Marsh
Anne O'Hare McCormick Anne Rix Miltz Archibald MacLeish
Aristotle Metaphysics Arthur Asher Miller Arthur Milton
Ashley Montagu Ashley Montague Augustus De Morgan
Aurelia Mace Bara Metziah Barbara La Marr
Barbara McClintock Battista Mantuanus Benito Mussolini
Benoît B. Mandelbrot Bernard Eugene Meland Bernard Meltzer
Bernd T. Matthias Beryl Markham Best Actress - Motion Picture Musical/Comedy
Best Leading Actor in a Musical Bethania Maria Bethania McKenstry
Bette Davis Midler Bill Maher Bill Mollison
Bill Moyers Bishop Keith B. McMullin Bloody Mary
Bob Marley Bob Metcalfe Bradley Millar
Brander Matthews Brian Masters Bruce Redd McConkie
Buffy Sainte Marie C. D. Miller C. Spurgeon Medhurst
C. T. Captain Frederick Marryat Carey McWilliams
Carl Menger Carlos Fuentes Macías Carmen de Monteflores
Caroline Eyring Miner Carolyn Meroniuk Catharine A. MacKinnon
Catharine Alice MacKinnon Catherine Marshall Cha'n Master Mingjiao
Charles Edwin Markham Charles H. Maskins Charles Henry Mackintosh
Charles Langbridge Morgan Charles Mackay Charles Macklin
Charles Miner Charles Mingus Charles Morgan
Charles Murray Charles S. Milligan Charles-Louis de Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu
Cheng Man-ch'ing Christian Morgenstern Christina Montano
Christopher "Kit" Marlowe Christopher & Tricia McDowell Christopher and Tricia McDowell
Christopher Darlington Morley Christy Mathewson Chung-feng Ming-pen
Clark H. Minor Claude McDonald Claude Monet
Clement Clarke Moore Clyde Moore Collen McCullough
Colman McCarthy Comte de Mirabeau Connie Mack
Cookie Monster Cormac McCarthy Count Maurice Maeterlinck
Count Maurice Maeterlink Crowfoot Sahpo Muxika D. M. Moir
D. March Dame Emilie Rose Macaulay Dame Jean Iris Murdoch
Dame Rose Macauley Dan Marino, Sr. Dan Millman
Daniel D. Mich Daniel Patrick Moynihan Daphne Du Maurier
David G. Myers David Mack David Mallet
David Marion David Martin McIntosh David McCord
David Miller David Morton David Oman McKay
David S. Muzzey De Morgan De Musset
Deborah Martin Deng Ming-Dao Dennis Genpo Merzel
Dennis Miller Désiré Joseph, Cardinal Mercier Desmond Morris
Diane Mariechild Dick Martin Diego Hurtado de Mendoza
Dinah Mariah Mulock Dixon Lanier Merritt Dominique de Menil
Don Carlos Musser Don Marquis Donald H. McGannon
Donald McLean Donald Murray Donald W. MacKinnon
Donella A. Meadows Dr Edward Mayhew Dr Wesley Mills
Dr. Arthur Earnest Morgan Dr. Bryan Miller, DC Dr. Charles Mako
Dr. Ian G. Macdonald Dr. Joost A. M. Meerloo, MD Dr. Louis L. Mann
Dr. Lynn Margulis Dr. Paul D. Moody Dr. Walter Modell
Dr.William James Mayo Dudley Field Malone Dusa McDuff
Dwight L. Moody Dwight Lyman Moody Dwight Macdonald
Dwight Whitney Morrow E. J. McShane E. M. McKee, D.D.
Earl M. Monson Eddie Myers Edgar Dean Mitchell
Edgar J. Mohn Edgar Magnin Edith E. McGee
Edna St. Vincent Millay Edvard Munch Edward J. McGrath Jr.
Edward McDonagh Edward Moore Edward R. "Ed" Murrow
Edward Roscoe Murrow Edward Sandford Martin Edward Shepherd Mead
Edwin Muir Edwin T. Morris Elaine Mayland
Eliakim Hastings Moore Elisha Archie Manning Elizabeth Montagu
Elizabeth Murray Elsa Maxwell Elting E. Morison
ERNEST R. MILLER Ernst Mach Ethel Merman
Ethel Mumford Eugene J. McCarthy Eugene Joseph "Gene" McCarthy
Eugenio Montale Eve Merriam F. Frankfort Moore
Felix Mendelssohn Ferenc Molnár Fernand Méry
Foster C. McClellan Fr Daniel McDyer Francis Meehan
Francois De Malherbe Francois Mauriac François Mitterand
Francois Monnet François Muriac Francoise de Maintenon
Frank McManus Frank Mumny FRANK W. MANN, Jr.
Fred A. Manske, Jr. Fred A. McGrand Freddie Mercury
Frederick Marryat G. S. Merriam Gabriel García Márquez
Gabriel Meurier Gene William Mauch General Arthur McAuliff
General Curtis Le May General Douglas MacArthur General George Catlett Marshall
George B. MéRé George Brinton McClellan George Edward Moore
George Gilbert Aimé Murray George Louis Palmella Busson du Maurier George MacDonald
George Manwaring George Mason IV George Matheson
George McClellan George Melton George Merck
George Meredith George Meudell George Moore
George Müller George Pope Morris George Quayle Morris
George Stanley McGovern Gerald Massey Gian Carlo Menotti
Gillian McCain GLADIOLA Montana Golda Meir
Gordon MacDonald Gordon Mackenzie Gordon Mason
Gorham B. Munson Gösta Mittag-Leffler Grace Moore
Graham Neil Kenneth Mourie Grandma Anna Mary Robertson Moses Grant Morrison
Gregory Alan Maddux Gregory Mcdonald Gregory Miller
Guillermo Mordillo Gustav Mahler Gustav Metzman
Guy de Maupassant H. Clay Mitchell, D.D. H. H. (Saki) Munro
Hamilton Wright Mabie Hannah More Hans Margolius
Harold Edward Monro Harold MacMillan Harold R. McAlindon
Harold V. Melchert Harriet Martineau Harry & Joan Miller
Harry Martinson Harvey B. Mackay Hector Hugh Munro
Helen Clark MacInnes Helen Clark MacInness Henri Matisse
Henry Beard & Roy McKie Henry Dinwoodey Moyle Henry G. Miller
Henry H. Milman Henry Louis Mencken Henry Matisse
Henry Mille Henry Millon De Montherlant Henry Mitchell
Henry Moore Henry Valentine Miller Herbert Marshall McLuhan
Herbert Miller Herman Melville Hermann Minkowski
Hideo Morita Holly Metcalf Hope MacDonald
Horace Mann Howard Murray Hugh MacDiarmid
Hugh Morgan Ian Malcolm Ian McLaren
Ian Mueller Ina T. Martin Ira William "Bill" McCollum, Jr.
J. Curtis McKay J. Kenfield Morley J. Middleton Murry
J. Pierpont Morgan J. S. B. Monsell J. T. Mackey
J. W. T. Meehan J. Williard Marriott J.M. Maciejowski
Jackie Mason Jacques Monod James Albert Michener
James Clerk Maxwell James D. Miles James Douglas Morrison
James Graham, Marquis of Montrose James J. Montgomery James Mackintosh
James Madison James Martineau James McManus
James Mendel James Moffatt James Monroe
James Montgomery James Morrow James Neville Mason
James Russell Miller James X. Mullen Jan (James) Morris
Jan Garrigue Masaryk Jan McKeithen Jayne B. Malin
Jayne Mansfield Jean Baptiste Massieu Jean Baptiste Massillon
Jean Baptiste Moliare Jean Baptiste Moliére Jean Iris Murdoch
Jeanne Moreau Jeff Marder Jeffrey Kenneth MacNelly
Jehan de Mandeville Jennifer Roback Mores Jim Miller
Joanna Macy Joaquin Miller Joe Mcdonald
Joe McGinnis John Bach McMaster John C. Maxwell
John Dann MacDonald John Edward Masefield John Frederick Denison Maurice
John Gavin Malkovich John Gillespie Magee, Jr. John Homer Miller
John J. Miller John J. Moment John Landis Mason
John Lee Mahin John Lennon & Paul McCartney John Lothrop Motley
John M. Mason John M. McMahon John Macauley
John Madden John Marshall John Masefield
John McCreery John Mellencamp John Miller
John Milton John Muir John Murray
John Music John Newton Mitchell John R. Miller
John Raleigh Mott John Singleton Mosby John Stuart Mill
John T. Molloy John Updike's mother John Willard Marriott
John, Lord Morley Joni Mitchell, CC Josef de Maistre
Joseph De Maistre Joseph Malins Joseph Marie de Maistre
JOSEPH MOHR Joseph William McMurrin Joséphe Jeanne Marie-Antoinette
Josephine Bernadette Devlin McAliskey Juan de Marco Juan Mascaro
Juan Montalvo Judith Martin Judith S. Martin
Judy McGarth Jules Marshall Jules Michelet
Julia Mavimbela Julie Moir Messervy Julius Henry "Groucho" Marx
Junior Murchison Karl Augustus Menninger Karl G. Maeser
Karl Gunnar Myrdal Karl Marx Karl Marx's Mother
Kate Millett Katherine Mansfield Kenneth Millar
Kevin Meyers Kind thoughts, contentment, peace of mind, And Joy for weary hours. Mary Konosuke Matsushita
L.D. McClanahan L.E.L. L.J. Mordell
Larry Mcmurtry Laurence Edward Alan "Laurie" Lee, MBE Laurence J. McGinley
Lena May McCauley Leo J. Muir Leonard Marx
Lestor G. Maddox Lestor Maddox Lew Mammel, Jr.
Lewis Morris Lewis Mumford Linus Mundy
Liza May Minnelli Londo Molari Lord Mancroft
Lord Thomas Babington Macaulay Louis Burt Mayer Louis Charles Alfred de Musset
Louis F. Musil Louis L. Mann Louis MacNiece
Lucas Malet Lucie MacDougall Lucretia Coffin Mott
Lucy Maud Montgomery MacDonald Lynda Montgomery M. C. McIntosh
M.J. Moroney Ma'Arri Mack McGinnis
Mackenzie Madman Murdoch Madonna
Maitreya Malachy McCourt Malcolm X
Malcom X Manilius Manu
Mar y Wortley Montagu Marabel Morgan Marcel Marceau
Marco Morrow Marcus Valerius Martialis Margaret Maron
Margaret Mead Margaret Miller Margaret Munnerlyn Mitchell
Maria Mitchell Maria Montessori Marianne Craig Moore
Marie Antoinette Mortier Marillion Marilyn Monroe
Marion Milner Mark Mitchell Marshall McLuhan
Martial Martin Mayer Martin Mull
Martinez Marvin Lee Minsky Mary Ellen Mark
Mary I Mary McCarthy Mary McCloud
Mary Tyler Moore Mary Virginia Martin Mary Wortley Montagu
Marya Mannes Mass Matt Mathis
Matthew Maureen Murphy Maurice Maeterlinck
Max Müller Maxwell Maltz McZen
Mechtild Melvin Maddocks Menander
Mencius Merkin Muffley Merkin's Maxim
Merrit Malloy Michael Dean Murdock Michael Garrett Marino
Michael McClary Michael McClintock Michael Meissner
Michael Murphy Michael Myers Michael Soren Madsen
Michel de Montaigne Michel de Montiage Michel Eyquem de Montaigne
Michelangelo Michelle Miner Mickey Charles Mantle
Mickey Manfield Mickey Mouse Micron
Mignon McLaughlin Miguel de Molinos Millard
Milman Mirabeau Miriam Makeba
Mistinguett Mistinguette Miyamoto Musashi
Mogdiliani Mohammed Mole
Montaige Monte Moreno Morpheus
Morris Mandel Movie N. R. F. Maier
Naguib Mahfouz Nancy Mitford Neal Ash Maxwell
Nelson Mandela Newton N. Minow Newton Norman Minow
Niccoló Machiavelli Nick Mirov Norman Fitzroy Maclean
Norman Kingsley Mailer Norman MacEwan Norman MacLeod
Noruin G. McGranahan Og Mandino Olin Miller
Orison Swett Marden Outstanding Lead Actress - Miniseries or a Movie Owen Meredith
Patrick Joseph McGoohan Patriot Giuseppe Mazzini Paul Elmer More
Paul L. McKay, D.D. Paul S. McElroy Paul Scott Mowrer
Peter Alexander McWilliams Peter Louis Moreau de Maupertuis Peter Marshall
Peter Mayle Peter McArthur Peter Medawar
Peter Milligan Peter T. McIntyre Philip Massinger
Philip Melanchton Philipp Melanchthon Phyllis McGinley
Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de Marivaux Pieter Cornelis (Piet) Mondriaan Pietro Mascagni
Pietro Metastasio Prentice Mulford Prince Clement Metternich
Prince Klemens Wenzel Lothar Von Metternich Princess Grace of Monaco Professor J. Howard Moore
Prophet Muhammad R. Combe Miller Rabbi Moses ben Maimon Maimonides
Ralph Marston Ralph S. Meadowcroft, D.D. Ramsay MacDonald
Raymond E. Moley Raymond Moley Reginald B. Mansell
Reiho Masunaga Ren Mulford, Jr. René Magritte
Richard 'Dick' Marcinko Richard Milnes Richard Mitchell
Richard Moll Richard Perez, editor of Home Power magazine Robert "Bobby" McFerrin Jr.
Robert A. Millikan Robert G. Menzies Robert J. McCracken
Robert J. McCracken, D.D. Robert J. McKain Robert James McCracken, D.D.
Robert K. Merton Robert King Merton Robert Macleod
Robert Marrone Robert Montgomery Robert Morley
Robert Moses Robert Motherwell Robert Strange McNamara
Robin Morgan Rod McKuen Roger Dean Miller
Roger Joseph McGough Rollo May Ronald McCuaig
Ross MacDonald Roy E. Moody Ruby Manikan
Rupert Murdoch Rutherford Montgomery S. L. A. Marshall
S. Weir Mitchell Saint Thomas More Sally McFague
Samuel Eliot Morison Samuel Finley Breese Morse Samuel Madden
Samuel Miller Samuel Timothy "Tim" McGraw Sarah McLaughlin
Scott McNealy Seami Motokiyo Seamus MacManus
Sen. Howard Metzenbaum Sharyn McCrumb Shen Hui, Chinese Zen Master
Shepherd Mead Shirley Ann Manson Sidney Madwed
Sir Admiral Henry Morgan Sir Charles Marston Sir Frank Medlicott
Sir James Augustus Henry Murray Sir James Mackintosh Sir James Paul McCartney
Sir John McEwen Sir Lewis Morris Sir Peter Brian Medawar
Sir Robert David Muldoon Sir Robert Gordon Menzies Sir Theodore Martin
Sir Thomas Malory Sir William McMahon SISTER MARIELLA
Special Agent Fox William Mulder Stanley I. Mason, Jr. Stanley Marcus
Stanley Milgram Stephen A. Matuszak Stephen Glenn "Steve" Martin
Stephen Morrissey Steve Mayham Steven Patrick Morrissey
Stirling Moss Sue Murphy Sugawara no Michizane
Susan McOmber Suzanne Mueller T. T. Munger
T.S. Matthews T.T. Munger Tamara "Tammy" Faye Messner
Ted Morgan Terence Alan Patrick Seán Milligan Terry Moore
The Lady Mary Wortley Montagu Theodor Mommsen Theodore F. Merseles
Thomas Evans McKay Thomas L. Masson Thomas Malcolm Muggeridge
Thomas Mann Thomas Marshall Thomas Matthiessen
Thomas Merton Thomas Michael Menino Thomas Middleton
Thomas Moore Thomas Morell Thomas Moss
Thomas Robert Malthus Thomas Spencer Monson Thurgood Marshall
Tim McMahon Todd McFarlane Toni Morrison
Tony Mitton Truman G. Madsen Truman Madsen
Ulf Merbold Valerius Maximus Vimalia McClure
Viola Meynell Von Mosheim W. John Murray
W. Mathews W. Migner W. R. McGeary
W. Stanley Mooneyham W.H. Murray Walt Mason
Walter de la Mare Walter Frederick "Fritz" Mondale Walter John de La Mare
Walter Malone Walter Map or Mapes Walter S. Mossberg
Wandle Mace Warren Miller Wheeler McMillen
William A. Muhlenberg William C. Menninger William Gibbs McAdoo
William J. Meehan William J. Mickle William James "Bill" Murray
William Julius Mickle William Lamb, Lord Melbourne William Learned Marcy
William Marstellar William Mather William Matthews
William Max McGee William Maxwell William McChesney Martin, Jr.
William McDougall William McElcheran William McFee
William McGovern William McKinley, Jr. William Miller
William Mitford William Morris William Moulton Marston
William P. Merrill, DD William Paul McCartney William Somerset Maugham
William Stanley Merwin William Thomas Manning, D.D. Wilson Mizner
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Wu Men Wynton Learson Marsalis
Yehudi Menuhin, Baron Menuhin Yukio Mishima Zero Mostel