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Living is easy with eyes closed Misunderstand all you see It's getting hard to be someone but it all works out It doesn't matter much to me

Mar 12, 2025

Quotes: 53419
Authors: 9969

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Quote Sources Starting With 'H'

A. C. Hilton A. Eustace Haydon Aaron Hill
Aaron Howard Abbe Huvelin Abbott 'Abbie' Hoffman
Abraham Joshua Heschel Admiral Grace Hooper Adolf Hitler
Aldous Leonard Huxley Alexander Hamilton Alexander Meigs Haig, Jr.
Alexander Murray Palmer Haley Alfred Edward Houseman Alfred Edward Housman
Alfred Hawthorn Hill Alfred Hitchcock Alice Hoffman
Alice Hopf Alice Hubbard Allie Hemphill
Ammon Hennacy Amy Heckerling Andrew Hamilton
Andvari Huntress Andy Hall Annie S. Hawkes
Ansari of Herat Anthony Hawkins Anthony Hope
Anthony T. Hanson Archibald Alexander (A. A.) Hodge Arnold Horshak
Arthur F. Hall Arthur Hailey Arthur Helps
Arthur Herzog Attia Hosain Audrey Hepburn
August Hare August Heckscher Augustus William Hare
B. C. Holwick B. E. Hutchinson Barbara Grizzuti Harrison
Barbara Hambly Barbara Hoffman Baron Friedrich Heinrich Alexander von Humboldt
Baron von Hammerstein-Equoard Baron Wilhelm von Humboldt Ben Hecht
Benjamin Harvey Hill Benjamin Hoff Bernard Haldane
Bernardo Alberto Houssaye Bill Havens Bill Hirst
Bill Hoest Billie Holiday Bishop Joseph Hall
Bishop Oliver J. Hart Bishop Samual Horsley Blythe Holbrooke
Bob Hope Brad Hull Brenda Hammond
Brian Hays Brooke Herford Bruce C. Hafen
Bruce D. Henderson Bruce Hagen Brutus Kerr Hamilton
Bryan R. Hirst Buck Henry Buddy Hackett
Bunker Hunt Burton Hillis Burton Hills
C. A. R. Hoare C. Hoppe C. R. House
C.W. Hulme Cardinal Hinsley Carl G. Hempel
Carl Hubbell Carol G. Hanson Carol Hardgrove
Carolyn G. Heilbrun Caryl Haskins Celeste Holm
Charles Edward Haden Charles Evans Hughes, Sr. Charles Fenno Hoffman
Charles Hare Charles Harpur Charles Hart
Charles Heiser Charles Hermite Charles Hopkins
Charles I of Hungary Charlton Heston Chitto Harjo
Christian Friedrich Hebbel Christian Johann Heinrich Heine Christmas Humphreys
Christopher Hampton Claude Adrien Helvetius Clive Hollands
Coleman Randolph 'Bean' Hawkins Collis P. Huntingdon Conrad Hyers
Cordell Hull Corra May Harris Cullen Hightower
Cynthia Heimel Dag Hammarskjöld Damien Hess
Daniel Henderson David Bruce Haight David Hilbert
David Hobson David Hockney David Hume
Dee W. Hock Diana Scharf Hunt Dionysius of Halicarnassus
Don Herold Don Hewitt Donal Henahan
Donald Hall Donald Herzberg Donald Horne
Donald L. Hallstrom Doug Horton Douglas Richard Hofstadter
Douglas, Lord Houghton Dr. Herbert Hichen Dr. J. A. Holmes
Dr. Laurence J. Peter & Raymond Hull Dr. W.C. Heuper Duncan Hines
E. V. Hammond Edgar Watson 'Ed' Howe Edgar Y. Harburg
Edith Hamilton Edward E Hale Edward Everett Hale
Edward Heath Edward Henry Harriman Edward Herbert
Edward Hodnett Edward Hyde Edward N. Hurley
Ekaku Hakuin Elbert Green Hubbard Elizabeth Hardwick
Ellen Sturgis Hooper Elmer G. Homrighausen Elspeth Joscelin Huxley
Elwood Hendricks Eric Hoffer Ernest Miller Hemingway
Ernest Shurtleff Holmes Ernst R. Hauschka Etty Hilsum
Evelyn H. Healey F. Burton Howard F. D. Huntington
F. L. Holmes F.A. Hayek Felicia Dorothea Hemans
Felicia Hemans Fitz-Greene Halleck Floyd Melvin ("Mel") Hammond
Frances Ellen Harper Frances Havergal Francis Bret Harte
Francis Hargrave Francis Hutcheson Frank Hughes
Frank McKinney 'Kin' Hubbard Frank McKinney Hubbard Frank Patrick Herbert
Frank R. Houston Franklin Patrick Herbert, Jr. Fred Hakim
Frederick Henry Hedge Fridtjof Hansen Friedrich Otto Hertz:
G. W. Hunt Gabriel Heatter Garrett James Hardin
Garth Henrichs Gay & Kathlyn Hendricks Gene Hill
General Lewis B. Hersey General Lewis B. Hershey Geoff Hamilton
Georg Hermes Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel George A. Hart
George C. Hubbs George Hebert George Herbert
George Horne George R. Harrison George S. Hilliard
George Savile, Lord Halifax George Stanley Halas, Sr. George T. Hewitt
George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel Gerald Holton Gerald Manley Hopkins
Gerard Manley Hopkins Gertrude Himmelfarb Gervase Hughes
Gilbert Highet Gittel Hudnick Godfrey Harold Hardy
Goldie Jean Hawn Gordon B. Hinckley Grace Haines
Grace Hansen Grace Hartigan Grace Murray Hopper
Grant Von Harrison Granville Hicks Granville Stanley Hall
Greg Hawkes H. A. Hopf H. Herth
H. L. Hollis H. R. Hawes Hafiz
Haldane Halifax Hamilton Holt
Hammurabi Hana No Hans Hoffmann
Hans Holzer Harish-Chandra Harold Edward Holt
Harold Gordon Hillam Harold Hambrose Harold Hulbert
Haroldson Lafayette Hunt, Jr. Harriet Van Horne Harry E. Humphreys, Jr.
Harry Hopkins Harry Robbins Haldeman Heber Q. Hale
Hegel Heinrich Himmler Heinrich Rudolf Hertz
Helen Hayes Helen Hays Helen Hudson
Henri IV Henry Fox, Lord Holland Henry H. Heimann
Henry Harland Henry Jay Heimlich Henry John Hyde
Henry R. Harrower Henry Rollins. Henry S. Haskins
Heraclitus Herbert Clark Hoover Herman Hesse
Hermann Hagedorn Hermann Hesse Herod I
Herodotus Hesiod Hierocles
Hillhouse Hisamatsu History
Hoffman Holton Homer
Howard Howard B. Haines Howard W. Hintz. DD
Howard William Hunter Howell Huang Po
Huang Po. Hubert H. Humphrey Hubert H. Humphrey, Jr.
Hubert Horatio Humphrey Hugo von Hofmannsthal Hui-Neng
Hume Hutton J. B. Hill
J. Edgar Hoover J. Hawes J. Heller
J. L. Hromadka J.K. Huysmans Jack Handey
Jack Herbert Jack Hibberd Jacques Hadmard
Jacques Salomon Hadamard Jacquetta Hawkes Jamake Highwater
James F. Hind James Henry Leigh Hunt James Herriot
James Hillman James Hogg James Howell
James Hurdis James L. Hayes James Langston Hughes
James Shirley Hibberd Jan Haag Jane Haddam
Jane Hamilton Jane Harrington Jane Heard
Jane Hirshfield Jascha Heifetz Jason Hill
Jay E. House Jean Harlow Jean Houston
Jean Hughes Jeanne Holm Jeff Hopmayer
Jeffrey Roy Holland Jenny Holzer Jeremy Joseph James Hayes
Jimi Hendrix Jimmy Hoffa John A. Hannah
John A. Howard John Andrew Holmes John Barry Humphries
John Burdon Sanderson Haldane John Cowan Hartford John H. Holcomb
John H. Holmes John Haines John Hall
John Hancock John Harold John Harrington
John Haynes Holmes John Heckbert John Heider
John Heywood John Hogan John Holt
John Howe John Hoyt John Hughes Holmes
John Oliver Hobbes John Oliver Hobbs John S. Herrington
John William Heisman John Winston Howard Joseph Hall
Joseph Heller Joseph Hergesheimer Joseph Hooker
Joseph Hunter Josiah Gilbert Holland Judith Handelsman
Judith Herman Julie Ann Hill Julius Charles Hare
June Brown Harris Karen Horney Karl Hess
Karl W. Humboldty Karl Wilhelm Humboldt Katharine Butler Hathaway
Katharine Houghton Hepburn Katherine Butler Hathaway Katherine Hepburn
Kay Haugaard Keith Haring Ken Hakuta
Kenneth Hildebrand Kevin Harris Kin Hubbard
Knut Hamsun Ko Hung L. Ronald Hubbard
Lancelot Hogben Langston Hughes Larry Martin Hagman
Laurence Hope Laurence Housman Lawrence Halprin
Learned Hand Leon Henkin Leona Helmsley
Leonard Heath Leslie Poles Hartley Leston Havens
Lillian Florence Hellman Lionel Herrera Lisa Hoffman
Liu Hua-Yang Lord Halifax Lord Hervey
Lorraine Hansberry Lorraine Henriod Louis Leo Holtz
Louise L. Hay Lucille S. Harper Lucretia P. Hunter
M. Holt Madeline Hemmings Major General Winfield Scott Hancock
Malcolm Hein Manly P Hall Manny Hershkowitz
Margie Haynes Marguerit Frieda, Lady Harris Marie Huston
Marion Duff Hanks Marjorie Harris Marjorie Holmes
Mark Hopkins Martin Heidegger Martin Hoyles
Mary Dawson Hughes Mary Henle Mary Howitt
Mata Hari Matthew Henry Maurice Evan Hare
Max Harris Michael W. Hamrick Mike Huber
Mike Huybensz Mikki Halpin Mildred Howells
Milton Reed Hunter Milton Snavely Hershey Minnie Louise Haskins
Moses Hadas Moses Harvey Moss Hart
Mrs. Ernest Hemingway Mrs. Norman Hastings Napoleon Hill
Nathan Hale Nathaniel Hawthorne Nathaniel Howe
Nazim Hikmet Nelson Henderson Newell Dwight Hillis
Nhat Hanh Nicole Hollander Nikki Harris
Norman H. Hansen O. Henry Oliver Hardy
Oliver Heaviside Oliver Herford Oliver W. Holmes Jr.
Oliver Wendell Holmes Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. Orrin Grant Hatch
Orson Hyde Oscar Hammerstein Patricia Hampl
Patrick Henry Patrick Joseph, Cardinal Hayes Patrick Lafcadio Hearn
Paul G. Hoffman Paul Hamilton Hayne Paul Harvey
Paul Harwitz Paul Hawken Paul Hentzner
Paul R. Halmos Penelope Hobhouse Penepole Hobhouse
Pete Holiday Peter Hilton Peter Hunt
Philip Gilbert Hamerton Philip Henry Philip Yorke, Earl of Hardwicke
Phoebe Hesketh Piet Hein Quintus Horatius Flaccus Horace
R. A. Hayward R. B. Harris R. F. Horton
R. Harvey R. Hill Rabbi Abraham Heschel
Rabbi Hillel Rabbi Samuel H. Holdenson Ralph Hendershot
Ralph Hodgson Ralph W. Hardy Raymond C. Hunthausen
Raymond Hitchcock Raymond Holliwell Rear Admiral Grace Murray Hopper
Rebecca Hall Reginald Heber Renee Hogan
Rev. Father Robert J. Henle Reverend Theodore M. Hesburgh Richard Halloway
Richard Harkness Richard Hooker Richard Hovey
Richard Hughes Richard Hurd Richard Monckton Milnes (Lord Houghton)
Richard W. Hamming Richard Wesley Hamming Rita Hayworth
Rita Holt Robert A Heilein Robert A. Humphrey
Robert Alton Harris Robert Anson Heinlein Robert Browning Hamilton
Robert Dean Hales Robert Emmet Hannegan Robert Ervin Howard
Robert Half Robert Hall Robert Hawker
Robert Herrick Robert Hooke Robert Howard
Robert Hughes Robert J. Havighurst Robert L. Heilbroner
Robert M. Hamilton Robert M. Hutchins Robert Maynard Hutchins
Robert Silliman Hillyer Robert Stephen Hawker Roland Huntford
Rolf Harris Rollo C. Hester Roswell Dwight Hitchcock
Rowland Hill Roy Howard Ruth Harrison
Rutherford Birchard Hayes Saint Augustine of Hippo Samuel Hazo
Samuel Hoffenstein Samuel Ichiye Hayakawa Sandra Harding
Sarah J Hale Sarah Josepha (Buell) Hale Scott Hamilton
Seymour E. Harris Shapley R. Hunter Shemp Howard
Sherlock Holmes Sidney Hook Sidney Howard
Sigfried Hulzer Sir A. P. Herbert Sir Alan Patrick Herbert
Sir Anthony Hope Hawkins Sir Arthur Helps Sir Charles Higham
Sir Edmund Percival Hillary Sir Harold Hartley Sir Henry Haddow
Sir John Harington Sir John Herschel Sir Julian Sorell Huxley
Sir Matthew Hale Sir Thomas Heath Sir William Hamilton
Sir William John Haley Sir William Rowan Hamilton Stanley Augustus Holloway
Stanley Horowitz Stephen C. Harvey Stephen W. Hawking
Stephen William Hawking Stewart W. Holmes Susan Howatch
Sydney J. Harris Sylvia Plath Hughes The Big Horn
Theodore Hesburgh Theodore Hoecker Theresa Heine
Thich Nhat Hanh Thomas Archer Hirst Thomas Chandler Haliburton
Thomas Hanna Thomas Hardy, OM Thomas Hardy:
Thomas Harris Thomas Henry Huxley Thomas Heywood
Thomas Higginson Thomas Hobbes Thomas Holcroft
Thomas Hood Thomas Hughes Thomas Hyll
Thomas Jeffrey "Tom" Hanks Thomas K. Hervey Thomas Lake Harris
Thomas W. Higginson Tom Hopkins Tony Hudson
Tori Harrison Trilby hat Tshunka WITKO (Crazy Horse)
Tzu-ch'eng Hung Vaclav Havel Van Halen
Vance Havner Vernon Linwood Howard Victor-Marie Hugo
Viscount Hailsham W. D. Hoard W. D. Howells
W. Eugene Hansen W. H. Hudson W.E. Henley
Walter Wolfgang Heller Warren Gamaliel Harding Warren Hutcherson
Werner Karl Heisenberg Wilhelm Hauff Wiliam Ernest Henly
William Dean Howells William E. Holler William Edward Hickson
William Ernest Henley William Ernest Hocking William Frederick 'Bull' Halsey, Jr.
William G. Hoffman William H. Hastie William Hamilton
William Harvey William Hazlitt William Henry
William Hewlett William Holden William Howells
William Jacob Holland William Least Heat-Moon William M. Holden
William Randolph Hearst I William Redington Hewlett William T. Ham
Willis Harman Wilma Scott Heide Xaviera Hollander
Zora Neale Hurston