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February 2025
The first man gets the oyster, the second man gets the shell.
Andrew Carnegie
Feb 17, 2025
Quotes: 53419
Authors: 9969
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Quote Sources Starting With 'W'
Addison Morton Walker
Addison Walker
Alan Wilson Watts
Alan Woods
Alexander Fraser Tytler, Lord Woodhouselee
Alexander Humphreys Woollcott
Alexander Raban Waugh
Alfred E. Wiggam
Alfred North Whitehead
Alice Malsenior Walker
Alice Walker
Alphonso the Wise
American Classics / Breeders' Cup wins:
An Wang
André Weil
Andrew Norman Wilson
Andrew Warhola
Andrew Warnick
Andrew Wyeth
Anita Weiss
Ardis Whitman
Artemis Ward
Artemus Ward
Arthur Evelyn St. John Waugh
Arthur K. Watson
Arthur Wellesley
Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington
August Willich
Avery Weisman, MD
Barbara Ann Woodhead Winder
Barbara Walters
Barbara Weeks
Basil S. Walsh
Beatrice Potter Webb
Ben Ames Williams
Benjamin J. "Ben" Wattenberg
Benjamin Lee Whorf
Benjamin Sumner Welles
Benjamin Whichcote
Benjamin Whorf
Bern Williams
Beverly Weaver
Bill Wulf
Book of Wisdom
Booker T. Washington
Brian Weir
Brook Foss Westcott
Brooke Foss Westcott
Bryon Forceythe Willson
C. H. Wendel
Cardinal Thomas Wolsey
Carel Wagner
Carl Wood
Carol Welch
Carol Williams
Carolyn Wells
Carter Godwin Woodson
Charles C. Woods
Charles Dudley Warner
Charles E. Wilson
Charles Erwin Wilson
Charles Vert Willie
Charles Wadworth
Charles Walker
Charles Windsor
Charles Wolfe
Charles Wright
Charleszetta Waddles
Chris Wallace-Crabbe
Christopher Allen Weller
Claire Wolfe
Clara Winston
Clerow "Flip" Wilson Jr.
Clifford M. Wills
Colin Henry Wilson
Colleen Wilcox
Cousin Woodman
Dahven White
Dame Rebecca West
Daniel H. Wells
Daniel R. White
Daniel Walker
Daniel Webster
Daniel Willard
Daniel Wilson
Daniel Wyttenbach
Dave Weinbaum
Dave Winer
Dave Workman
David J. Wolpe
David McKee Wright
David Whyte
David Wolpert
Denis Waitley
Dennis Wholey
Denton Welch
Denzel Washington
Derek Alton Walcott
Des Waller
Diana, Princess of Wales
Diane Westlake
Dixie Wilson
Doctor Who
Dolf Wyllarde
Don Wilder
Donald Edwin Westlake
Donald Williams
Dorothy Walworth
Doug Williams
Dr. Albigence Waldo
Dr. Arthur Edward Waite
Dr. Charlotte Whitton
Dragon Willow
E. F. Weisslitz
E. H. Wilson
E. N. Westcott
Earl Warren
Earl Wilson
Edith Warton
Edith Wharton
Edmund Waller
Edmund Wilson
Edward Noyes Westcott
Edward Osborne Wilson
Edward VIII, Duke of Windsor
Edward Weiler
Edwin H. Wilson
Edwin Percy Whipple
Edwin Whipple
Egbert Austin Bert Williams
Elie Wiesel
Elinor Morton Hoyt Wylie
Elizabeth Gunn Witkowski
Elizabeth Whittemore
Elizabeth Wordsworth
Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Ellen Gould Harmon White
Elmer Wheeler
Elwyn Brooks White
Emily Whaley
Emma Willard
Emmeline Blanche Woodward Harris Whitney Wells
Erastus Wiman
Eric Willis
Ernest L. Woodward
Ernst Wilhelm ("Wim") Wenders
Esme Wingfield-Stratton
Eudora Alice Welty
Eugene E. Wilson
Eugene Paul Wigner
Eugene S. Wilson
Evangeline Wilkes
Evelyn Arthur St. John Waugh
Ezra Weston
Faith Whittlesey
Fay Weldon
Flora Whittemore
Forbes Watson
Frances Wickes
Francis Elizabeth Willard
Frank Lloyd Wright
Frank W. Woolworth
Frank Walsh
Fred Wilcox
Fred Woodworth
Fredrick Wilcox
G.Kingsley Ward
Garry Wills
Gary K. Wolf
General Edward H. White
General Jonathan Mayhew Wainwright
General William C. Westmoreland
General William Westmoreland
Geoffrey C. Ward
George Corley Wallace
George E. Woodberry
George F. Will
George Frederick Will
George G. Woodson
George Orson Welles
George Roger Waters
George Washington
George Weilacher
George Wither
George Woodcock
Georgia Witkin
Geri Weitzman
Gibson Winter
Gill Robb Wilson
Gordon T. Watts
Gough Whitlam
Grant Wood,
Greg Webster
H. H. Williams
H. M. Warner
Hal Wright
Hank Williams
Hans Hinrich Wendt
Harold E. Wagoner
Harry Leon Wilson
Harry Williams
Helen Maria Williams
Henry Franklin Winkler
Henry Kirke White
Henry Ware
Herbert George Wells
Herman Wouk
Hermann Klaus Hugo Weyl
Herschel Walker
Howard Arnold Walter
Howard Weinstein
Hugh White
Humbert Wolfe
I. A. R. Wylie
Isaac Watts
Izaak Walton
J. C. Watts
J. Donald Walters
J. F. Wright
J. W. C. Wand
Jack Wagner
James Abbott McNeill Whistler
James Harold Wilson
James J. Walsh
James Mason Wood
James McNeil Whistler
James P. De Wolfe, D.D.
James Paul Warburg
James Q. Wilson
James Wadworth
James Walker
James Wilson
James Wolfe
Jan L. Wells
Jane Wagner
Janwillem van de Wetering
Jassamyn West
Jaymi Wiley
Jeanette Winterson
Jeff Warner
Jerry M. Wright
Jerry Weinberg
Jessamyn West
Jim Wall
John Andreas Widtsoe
John F. Welch
John Francis "Jack" Welch, Jr.
John Greenleaf Whittier
John N. Willys
John Patrick "Pat" Williams
John R. Whiting
John Robert Wooden
John Wanamaker
John Watson
John Wayne
John Webster
John Weiss
John Welwood
John Wesley
John Wicker
John Wilkins
John Wilmot
John Wilson
John Winthrop
John Wise
John Wolcot
John Woolman
John Worlidge
John Wyndham
Jon Winokur
Jon Witcomb
Jon Wynne-Tyson
Joseph B. Wirthlin
Joseph Fidler "Joe" Walsh
Joseph Marshall Wade
Joseph Warren
Joseph Weizenbaum
Josiah Wedgewood
Josiah Wedgwood
Jude Thaddeus Wanniski
Judge Wilson
Julie Woodruff
Julius Caesar "J.C." Watts
Karen Worthington
Karl E. Weick
Karl Wallenda
Katharine Elizabeth Whitehorn
Katharine S. White
Katherine S. White
Katherine Whitehorn
Kemmons Wilson
Ken Wilbur
Kenneth Earl "Ken" Wilber Jr.
L.L. Whyte
Lance B. Wickman
Larry Wall
Larry Wright
Laura Ingalls Wilder
Laurie Jo Wojcik
Lech Wałęsa
Lemuel K. Washburn
Len Wein
Les Williams
Lew Wallace
Lichty & Wagner
Lillian Whiting
Lina Wertmüller
Liz Winston
Lorin F. Wheelwright
Lou Ann Walker
Loudon Wainwright
Louise Beebe Wilder
Lousie Bebe Wilder
Ludwig Josef Johann Wittgenstein
Lyall Watson
Lydia Avery Coonley Ward
M. Charles Wheeler
M. Winette
Mae West
Margaret C. "Meg" Whitman
Margaret Willes
Margaret Willour
Marianne Williamson
Martha Dandridge Custis Washington
Mary Fitch Watkins
Mary H. Waldrip
Mary Starks Whitehouse
Mary Webb
Mary Wigman
Mary Wollstonecraft
Matt Wagner
Maxine Waters
Merrick Winn
Michael Walsh
Michael Winner
Minor Martin White
Morris L. West
Mrs. C. B. Wilson
Mrs. Henry Wood
Mrs. Humphry Ward
Myra Brooks Welch
Naomi Weisstein
Natalie Wood
Nathanael West
Nathaniel Ward
Neale Donald Walsch
Neville Kenneth Wran
Nina Willis Walter
Noah Webster
Norbert Wiener
Olive Wyon
Oliver C. Wilson
Oliver G. Wilson
Oprah Gail Winfrey
Orson Ferguson Whitney
Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde
P. G. Winnett
Patrick Victor Martindale White
Peter 'Dale' Wimbrow, Sr.
Peter Weiss
Philip Gordon Wylie
Pratt & Whitney
R. L. Wilder
Rabbi Stephen S. Wise
Ralph Vaughan Williams
Ray H. Wood
Ray Lyman Wilbur
Rev. J. Oscar Wells
Rev. Sheldon de Wehr
Richard Henry Wilde
Richard Nathaniel Wright
Richard Saul Wurman
Richard Wagner
Richard Whately
Richard Woolley
Richardson Wright
Robert A. Whitney
Robert Anton Wilson
Robert C. Winthrop
Robert E. Wells
Robert J. Whetten
Robert Lee Wells
Robert Meredith Willson
Robert Paul "Tad" Williams
Robert Penn Warren
Robert R. Wason
Robert Whittington
Robert Wilensky
Robin McLaurim Williams
Roger L. Welsch
Roger Wilcox
Roger Williams
Ron Weber
Rosalie Muller Wright
Rosiland Welcher
Rozanne Weissman
Ruth B. Wright
Ruth Westheimer, Ed.D
Ruth Weston
S. Weinberg
Samuel Moore 'Sam' Walton
Samuel Moore Walton
Samuel Warren
Samuel Woodworth
Sarah Chauncey Woolsey
Schuhmacher and Woerner
Scott 'Jesus' Watson
Shannon Wheeler
Shelley Winters
Sidney A. Weltmer
Simone Weil
Sir Christopher Wren
Sir Henry Wotton
Sir Hugh Seymour Walpole
Sir Hugh Walpole
Sir Pelham Grenville Wodehouse
Sir William Turner Walton
Sir William Watson
Sloan Wilson
Stanley H. Watts
Stanley Wise
Stephan Gary "Woz" Wozniak
Stephen A. West
Stephen S. Wise
Steve Worona
Steven Alexander Wright
Steven Willson
Stevie Wonder
Stewart E. White
Susan L. Warner
Sylvia Townsend Warner
Taylor Wang
Teresa Watkins
The Rev. Thomas Brantley Winstead
The Who
Theodore H. White
Theresa Watkins
Thomas Alan Waits
Thomas Clayton Wolfe
Thomas Edward Watson
Thomas G. West
Thomas Grey (Tom) Wicker
Thomas John Watson, Jr.
Thomas John Watson, Sr.
Thomas Kennerly Wolfe
Thomas Watson
Thomas Whately
Thomas Wilson
Thomas Wolfe
Thomas Woodrow Wilson
Thornton Niven Wilder
Thyra Samter Winslow
Tiger Woods
Tilitha Waicekauskas
Tin Woodsman
Tobias Jonathan Ansell Wolff
Tom Walsh
Tom Warga
Tom Wilson
Victoria Claffin Woodhull
Virginia Woolf
W. Beran Wolfe
W. R. Whitney
W. Walter Williams
WalIace H Wulfeck
Wallis, The Duchess of Windsor
Walt West
Walter Lewis Wilson
Walter Weckler
Walter Whitman
Walter Winchell
Walter Wriston
Wayne Winterrowd
Wei Wu Wei
Wendell Lewis Wilkie
Wendell Lewis Willkie
Wendy Ward
Wendy Wasserstein
Whiting Williams
Wilbur Wagner
Wilbur Wright
Wilburn Wilson
Wilford Woodruff
Wilhelm I
William Allen White
William Arthur Ward
William B. "Bill" Watterson II
William B.Bill Watterson II
William Carlos Williams
William Dwight Whitney
William H. Whyte, Jr.
William Henry Welch
William I
William Ross Wallace
William Walker
William Walsh
William Warburton
William Watson
William Whewell
William Winter
William Wordsworth
William Wrigley Jr.
William Wycherley
Willis R. Whitney
Willy Wonka
Yellow Wolf
Charis Wilson
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