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Art is the only way to run away without leaving home.

Mar 28, 2025

Quotes: 53419
Authors: 9969

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Quote Sources Starting With 'C'

"Professor" Irwin Corey (Henry) Bernard Levin CBE A. J. Campbell
A. W. Cass A.J. Cronin Aaron Copland
Abraham Cowley Achaan Chah Adam Clarke
Adelaide Crapsey Adolf Cukor Agatha Christie
Aime Cesaire Al Copeland Sr. Alan Chadwick
Alan Cross Alan Donald Whicker, CBE Albert Camus
Albert Clarke Albert E. Cliffe Aleister Crowley
Alexander Calder Alexander Cannon Alexis Carrel
Alfred Gerald 'Al' Capp Alice Cary Alice M. Coats
Alistair Cooke Allan Cox Allan Cunningham
Allan K. Chalmers Allen E. Claxton, DD Alphonse Capone
Alphonse Gabriel Capone Amanda Cross Ambassador William Crowe
Ananda K. Coomaraswamy André Chénier Andrew Carnegie
Andrew Cherry Andrew Mark Cuomo Angela Carter
Anglican Communion Anna Cummins Anne Crawford
Anthony Ashley Cooper Anthony Clark Anton Chekov
Anton Pavlovich Chekhov Anton Pavlovich Chekov Appius Claudius
Archibald Joseph Cronin Arnold W. Craft Arthur Augustus Calwell
Arthur Cayley Arthur Charles Clarke Arthur F. Corey
Arthur H. Compton Arthur Hugh Clough Arthur Neville Chamberlain
Augusta Carter Augusta Joyce Crocheron Auguste Comte
Augustin-Louis Cauchy Avram Noam Chomsky B. Cybrill
Barbara Costikyan Barber B. Conable Jr. Baron Pierre De Coubertin
Barry Commoner Bartolomé de Las Casas Benjamin Nathan Cardozo
Bennett Alfred Cerf Bernard of Clairvaux Bernard of Cluny
Bernard Whalen "Bert" Convy Bertha Condé Bessie Copage
Bessie Lillian Gordy Carter Bishop Creighton Bishop Mandell Creighton
Bishop Richard Cumberland Blake Clark Bob Conklin
Bob Cooke Brian Clark Bruce Catton
Bruce Cockburn Bruce W. Currie C. W. Churchman
C.E. Cowman Caius Valerius Catullus Caligula (Gaius Caesar)
Callimachus Calvin Coolidgc Calvin John Coolidge
Camillo Benso, conte di Cavour Capelle Carl Philipp Gottlieb von Clausewitz
Carlos Castaneda Carnot Carr
Carrie Chapman Catt Catullus Cawein
César Estrada Chavez Charles A. Cerami Charles B. Cochran
Charles Caleb Colton Charles Churchill Charles Colson
Charles Curothe Charles Horton Cooley Charles II
Charles Joseph "Joe" Clark Charles P. Curtis Charles V
Charles W. Chestnutt Charles Waddell Chesnutt Cher
Chilo Chilon or Cheilon Ching Chow
Chomsky Chris Clark Christian Cardell Corbet
Christine Cannon Christine Chubbuck Christine Comaford
Christopher Columbus Christopher Pearse Cranch Chrysostom
Chuck Carlson Chuck Coonradt Cinderella
Claudette Colbert Claudia Caplan Claudianus
Cleanthes Cleary Clinton L. Cutler
Coach Perry Clark Coleman Cox Colley Cibber
Colonel David (Davy) Crockett Columbo Constantine P. Cavafy
Continental Congress Cowley Craig Claiborne
Crates Curnonsky Curtis R. Carlson
Cyndi Craven Cynthia Conyers Cyril Connelly
Cyril Vernon Connolly Cyrus H. K. Curtis Cædmon
D. Todd Christofferson Dale Breckenridge Carnegie Dale Coleman
Dame Ivy Compton-Burnett Dame Mary Barbara Hamilton Cartland Daniel John Cook
Darby V. Checketts Darlene B. Curtis David A. Christensen
David Campbell David Carradine David Crockett
David Hartley Coleridge David MacKenzie Ogilvy, CBE Deborah Champlain
Delegate to the Continental Congress Denise Caruso Dinah Craik
Dinah Maria Mulock Craik Diogenes the Cynic Dion Calthrop
Dionysius Cato Dolores La Chapelle Don Chipp
Donald Curtis Douglas L. Callister Dr Louis J. Camuti
Dr. A. J. Carlson Dr. Alexis Carrel Dr. Deepak Chopra
Dr. Frank Cody Dr. Frank Crane Dr. George Washington Carver
Dr. James Bryant Conant Dr. Jim Cairns Dr. Joseph Collins
Dr. Raymond Carver Dr. Robert Chase Dr. Rory Coker
Dr. Rufus E. Clement e e cummings E. Clowes Chorley, DD
E. Crique E. E. Cummings E. Jean Carroll
E. Joseph Crossman E. M. Cioran e.e. cummings
E.M. Cioran Earls of Chesterfield Ed Crane
Ed Cunningham Eddie Cantor Edgar A. Collard
Edgar Cayce Edmund Campion Edmund Vance Cooke
Edward Christian David Gascoyne, Lord Cecil Edward Coke Edward Estlin Cummings
Edward Gordon Craig Edward H. Canney Edward Hyde Clarendon
Edwin Hubbel Chapin Eileen Caddy Elaine Cannon
Elaine Christensen Elden Jerome Campbell Eldridge Cleaver
Eleanor Carroll Chilton Eleanor Clift Elias Canetti
Elisabeth Sophie Chéron Eliza Cook Elizabeth Rundle Charles
Elmer S. Crowley ElRay L. Christiansen Émile Auguste Chartier
Emile Coue Emile M. Cioran Ernest Caldecott
Ernest Chausson Ernest Crosby Erskine Childers
Esther M. Clark Everett N. Case F. M. Crawford
Father Jeremiah Joseph Callahan Ferdinand Columbus Floyd & Eve Corbin
Fr. Jerome Cummings Frances C. Cornford Frances P. Cobbe
Francesca M. Cancian Francis 'Two Gun' Crowley Francis de Croisset
Francis H. Cabot Francis Harry Compton Crick Francis M. Chapman
Francis Macdonald Cornford Francois Cavanna François-René de Chateaubriand
Frank A. Clark Frank Capra Frank I. Cobb
Frank Moore Colby Franklin P. Cole, DD Frédéric Chopin
Frederick Jacob Titus Chiluba Frederick L. Collins G. A. Chadwick
G. Norman Collie G.K. Chesterson Gabrielle 'Coco' Chanel
Gabrielle Bonheur "Coco" Chanel Gaius Julius Caesar Gaius Sallustius Crispus
Gaius Valerius Catullus Gary Cooper Gene Raymond Cook
General George Armstrong Custer Geoffrey B. Charlesworth Geoffrey Chaucer
George Bruce Cortelyou George Canning George Chapman
George Colman George Cooper George Crabbe
George Crane George Curtiss George Denis Carlin
George Quayle Cannon George S. Clason George Washington Crile
George William Curtis Georges Benjamin Clemenceau Gerald Brenan, CBE
Gilbert Keith Chesterton Giovanni Giacomo Casanova Girolamo Cardano
Grace Goodhue Coolidge Grace Noll Crowell Gregory Clark
Harlow H. Curtice Harold Coffin Harold Hart Crane
Harry Connick, Jr. Harry Lillis "Bing" Crosby Harry Morey Callahan
Harry Woodburn Chase Hartley Coleridge Henri Cartier-Bresson
Henry A. Courtney Henry Carey Henry Clay, Sr.
Henry H. Cabot Henry Steele Commager Herb Cohen
Herbert Eugene 'Herb' Caen Herbert Eugene Caen Herbert N. Casson
Herman Cain Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton Hippocrates of Cos II
Hodding Carter, Jr. Hugh Casson Hugh W. Coburn
Hume Cronyn Hung Tzu Ch'eng I Ching
Ilka Chase Ina Coolbrith International Business Machines Corporation
Ira U. Cobleigh Irena Chalmers Irene Claremont de Castillejo
Irvin S. Cobb Irving Cristol Isabel Diana Colegate
Italo Calvino J. B. Charles J. G. Cozzens
J. M. Clarke J. Reuben Clark, Jr. J. Wilbur Chapman
J.Richard Clarke Jack Carson Jack Cleary
Jackie Chan Jacques René Chirac Jacques Yves Cousteau
Jacques-Yves Cousteau Jamais Cascio James B Conant
James Branch Cabell James Caballero James Carswell
James Carville James Coates James Connolly
James Cook James Earl Carter Jr. James F. Clarke
James Fenimore Cooper James Francis Cagney Jr. James Francis Cameron
James Freeman Clarke James Gould Cozzens James H. Cone
James J Corbett James J. "Jim" Cramer James Mallahan Cain
James S. Conner Jane Baillie Welsh Carlyle Jane Welsh Carlyle
Jasper Carrott Jean Cocteau Jean Michel Chapereau
Jean-Baptiste Colbert Jed Clampett Jeff Cooper
Jeffrey Lindon Cox Jenny Cannon Jenny Jerome Churchill
Jeremy Collier Jerry Chin Jerry Colangelo
Jessica Conner Jilly Cooper Jim Clark
Jim Clatfelter Jim Copeland Jiminy Cricket
Jimmy Connors Jo Coudert Joan Crawford
Joan Ganz Cooney Joan Henrietta Collins Joe J. Christensen
Johan Cruijff John A. Challenger John Anthony Ciardi
John Caldwell Calhoun John Calvin John Calvin Coolidge
John Carr John Charles Salak. John Chatfield
John Cheever John Churton Collins John Clarence Cudahy
John Cleveland John Conger John Craig
John L. Casteel John M. Capozzi John Mack Carter
John Marwood Cleese John Milton Cage Jr. John of the Cross
John Paul Cusack John Philpot Curran John Richard Clarke
John T. Conner John Vance Cheney John William Coltrane
John Wood Campbell, Jr. Johnetta Cole Johnnie L. Cochran, Jr.
Johnny Carson Jonathan Samuel Carroll José Vicente Ferrer de Otero y Cintrón
Joseph Conrad Joseph E. Carpenter Joseph John Campbell
Joyce Arthur Cary Judith Campbell Judith Crist
Jules Combarieu Julia A. Fletcher Carney Julia Child
Julia Crawford Julia Fletcher Carney Julia Margaret Cameron
Julian Lowell Coolidge Julio Cortázar Julius von Liebig German physical soil chemist
Justice Cusack Karen Anne Carpenter Karen Kaiser Clark
Karl von Clausewitz Kate Chopin Katherine Anne "Katie" Couric
Katherine Cebrian Keith Crockett Kevin Michael Costner
Kimberly Carpenter Kung Fu-tzu Confucius Kurt Donald Cobain
Kyle Martin Chandler L. M. Charles-Edwards, DD Laurie Colwin
Lavor K. Chaffin Leah Chase LeGrand R. Curtis
Lenore Coffee Leonard Carmichael Leonard Norman Cohen
Lewis Castle Lewis Sperry Chafer Lloyd Dobens and Clare Crawford-Mason
Lord Cohen Lord Coke Lord Collingwood
Lord Randolph Henry Spencer Churchill Lou Costello Luciano de Crescenzo
Lucille Clifton Luigi Cornaro Luis Vaz de Camões
Lydia M. Child Lydia Maria Child Lyman V. Cady, DD
M. L. Cichon M. Shawn Cole Macaulay Carson Culkin
Madam du Châtelet Madame Marie Curie Madison J. Cawein
Magna Carta Malcolm Cowley Marc Chagall
Marcelene Cox Marcus Porcius Cato Marcus Tullius Cicero
Margaret Carlson Maria Callas María Corazón Sumulong Cojuangco-Aquino
Marie Corelli Marie-Antoine Caréme Mario Matthew Cuomo
Marion Cran Mark A. Clement Mark B. Cohen
Marshall Clyde Martha Cragun Marva N. Collins
Mary Cantwell Mary Case Mary Catherwood
Mary Clemmer Mary Stevenson Cassatt Mason Cooley
Matilda Watts Cahoon Maureen Cook Maurice Chevalier
Maxwell N. Cornelius Mayor Vincent J. Ciarci Merlin Carothers
Michael C. Cahill Michael Crowe Miguel de Cervantes
Mihály Csíkszentmihályi Mike Connolly Monta Crane
Morris R[aphael] Cohen Mortimer Caplin Mortimer Collins
Mrs Patrick Campbell Mrs. Edmund Craster Mrs. Patrick Campbell
N. Chamford Nadia Elena Comaneci Nancy Chodorow
Nancy Reader Campion Nathaniel Adams Coles Nathaniel Cotton
Nell Carter Nellie Curtiss Nicholas Chamfort
Nicholas Copernicus Nicholas of Cusa Nicholaus Copernicus
Nicolas Chamfort Nicolaus Copernicus Noam Chomsky
Norm Crosby Norman Cousins O. A. Carping
Oliver Cromwell Orson Scott Card Pafnuti Lvovich Chebyshev
Parks Cousins Pat Colander Patricia Clafford
Patricia H. Collins Patrick B. Comer, Jr. Paul Cézanne
Paul Lewis Charles Claudel Paul R. Cummings Paulo Coelho
Pedro Calderon Pema Chödrön Peter Carbonara
Peter Cochrane Phil Calloway Philip Caldwell
Philip Crosby Philip Dormer Shanhope, Lord Chesterfield Philip Murray Condit
Phyllis Chesler Pien Ch'iao Pierre Charron
Pierre Corneille Pierre Teilhard De Chardin Prince Charles
Professor Lauchlan Chipman Professor Stephen L. Clark Queen Christina
Quentin Crisp Quentin LaMar Cook Quetin Crisp
R. D. Carmichael R. H. Cabell Rachel Louise Carson
Ralph Charell Ralph Connor Ralph Cordiner
Ramona C. Carroll Raymond Chapman Raymond Clapper
Raymond Thornton Chandler Rebecca Cannon Reginald John Campbell
Rene Char Rev. William Sloane Coffin, Jr. Rich Cook
Richard Alva "Dick" Cavett Richard Bishop of Chichester Richard Bruce "Dick" Cheney
Richard Clarke Cabot Richard Cobden Richard Cohen
Richard Corliss Richard Crashaw Richard John Colangelo
Richard Wagstaff "Dick" Clark Rick Castro Robert Carrier
Robert Chambers Robert Chapman Robert Cody
Robert Collier Robert Collyer Robert Conklin
Robert Creeley Robert Cringely Robert Crowell
Robert E. M. Cowie Robert Earle Clarke Robert L. Carothers
Robert Lloyd "Bob" Crandall Robert P. Tristram Coffin Robin Chotzinoff
Robin G. Collingwood Roger Caras Romain Cary
Rose Chronicles Roy Campanella Royal Cortissoz
Rudolph Carnap Rufus Choate Russell Herman Conwell
Ruth Carlisle Saint Anselm of Canterbury Saint Bernard of Clairvaux
Saint John Chrysostom Saint John of the Cross Salmon Portland Chase
Sammy Cahn Samuel Langhorne Clemens Samuel Longhorn Clemmons (
Samuel Parkes Cadman Samuel Taylor Coleridge Sandra Carey
Sandra Cisneros Santiago Ramón y Cajal Sarah Cleghorn
Scott Cherf: Scott Douglas Cunningham Seals and Crofts
Sean Connery Sébastien Roch Nicolas Chamfort Seymore Cray
Seymoure Cray Shaun Paul Cassidy Shirley Chisholm
Shirley Conran Shu Ching Sid Caesar
Sidonie Gabrielle Claudine Colette Simon Cameron Simonides of Ceos
Sir Andrew Browne Cunningham Sir Anthony Ashley Cooper Sir Arthur Charles Clarke
Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin Jr. Sir Joseph Cook Sir Noël Peirce Coward
Sir Noµl Pierce Coward Sister Helen Prejean, CSJ Sister Joan D. Chittister
Sister Mary Curita Spencer J. Condie St. Bernard of Clarvaux
St. John de Crévecoeur Stanley Cook Stanley Cooperman
Stanley G. Crawford Stephan Grover Cleveland Stephen Crane
Stephen R. Covey Stephen W. Comiskey Steve Crosby
Steven Callahan Stokely Standiford Churchill Carmichael Stuart Chase
Stuart Cloete Supreme Court Susan Fenimore Cooper
Susannah Centlivre Suzanne Chazin Sylvia Cordwood
Tao Te Ching Tenche Coxe Terry Cohen
Thalassa Cruso Thalassa Crusso The Western Union Company
Thomas Campbell Thomas Campion Thomas Carew
Thomas Carlyle Thomas Carruthers Thomas Cartwright
Thomas Caryle Thomas Chalmers Thomas Chatterton
Thomas Clifford Thomas Clothier Thomas Cole
Thomas Cooper Thomas Cowan Thomas Cranmer
Thomas D. Church Thomas L. 'Tom' Clancy, Jr. Thomas Leo Clancy Jr.
Tim Cahill Titus Lucretius Carus Tom Clothier
Tom J. Connelly Tommy Cooper Tony Curtis
Tracy Chapman Truman Capote Ty Cobb
U.S. Constitution U.S. Supreme Court Val R. Christensen
Vere X. Campbell Vernon Carter Victor Cherbuliez
Victor Cousin Vincent Canby Vivian R. Cline
Von Clausewitz W. J. Cameron Walter Cronkite
Walter Dudley Cavert Walter Leland Cronkite, Jr. Walter Percy Chrysler
Wanda Hope Carter Wendy Cope Wilbur Cross
Wilbur F. Crafts Wilella Sibert Cather Willa Sibert Cather
William 'Bill' Jefferson Clinton William Bliss Carman William Bourke Cockran
William Camden William Carey William Clinton
William Cobbett William Collins William Congreve
William Cooper William Corbett William Cowper
William Ellery Channing William G. Carleton William Henry 'Bill' Cosby, Jr., Ed.D.
William Henry Channing William J. Cummings William Jacob "Will" Cuppy
William Jefferson "Bill" Clinton William Jefferson Clinton William Ramsey Clark
William S. Carlson William Taylor (Bill) Copeland Winston Chruchill
Wynn Catlin Xenophanes of Colophon