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My idea of heaven is eating pate de foie gras to the sound of trumpets.

Oct 22, 2024

Quotes: 53419
Authors: 9969

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Quote Sources Starting With 'E'

Abba Eban Abraham ben Meir ibn Ezra Alan R. Eastman
Albert Einstein Albert Ellis Albert W. Emery
Alexander Eliot Alice Morse Earle Alice Thomas Ellis
Allen Lacy The Gardener's Eye Amelia Mary Earhart Amitai Erzioni
Antoine de Saint Exupery Australian Aboriginal Elder Barbara Ehrenreich
Baroness Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach Bergen Evans Bill Earle
Brian Eno Britt Ekland Canon Ellacombe
Carol Everett Cato the Elder Cecilia Egan
Charles William Eliot Charlotte Elliott Clara Edmunds-Hemingway
Clarissa Pinkola Estés Clint Eastwood Clinton ‘Clint’ Eastwood, Jr.
Dame Edith Evans Dame Edith Mary Evans Dave Edison
David Ellison David Elmore David Everett
David L. Edwards David N. Elkins Des Esseintes
DeWitt M. Emery Dick Emmons Douglas Engelbart
Douglas L. Edmonds Dr. Douglas C. Engelbart Duke Ellington
E. R. (Eric Rucker) Eddison E. T. Eberhart E. W. Elmore
E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial Earle Ernst Ebenezer Elliott
Edith Virginia Eradt Edward Eggleston Edward Everett
Elizabeth I Elliot Easton Elliston
Elstow Empedocles Epictetus
Epicurus epitaph Erik H. Erikson
ERIK Homburger ERIKSON Euclid Eugene Edwards
Euripides Evan Esar Fred Estabrook
Frederick H. Ecker Frederick Hudson Ecker Friedrich Engels
Gaius Plinius Secondus Pliny, the Elder Gamaliel the Elder General Dwight David Eisenhower
George Bird Evans George Eastman George Engel
Gerald Early Gerard Didier Erasmus Glenn Van Ekeren
Grace E. Easley Gregg Edmund Easterbrook Gretel Ehrlich
Harlan Jay Ellison Henri Estienne, II Henry Bennion Eyring
Henry Ellacombe Henry Eyring Henry Havelock Ellis
Henry II of England Henry VIII of England Howard E. Evans
Howard W. Eves Ira C. Eaker Irwin Edman
Isaac Bickerstaff Esq J. W. Eagan James I of England
Jane Elliott Jean Erdman Jean-Louis Etienne
Jeanne Emrich Jerry Ehrlich Jim Elliott
Jitoku Eki Joan L Dawson Evans Joannes Scotus Erigena
Joe Early Johannes Eckhart John Eden
John Edwin John Erksine John Erskine
John Evans John Evelyn John Ewing
John Eyberg Jon Erickson Jon Evans
Jonathan Edwards Jonathon Edwards Joseph Epstein
Joy F. Evans Karen Louise Erdrich Katherine Edelman
Katherine Endicott Keppel Enderbery Kermit Eby
King Edward VIII of England King Richard III of England L. G. Elliott
Larry Eisenberg LaVell Edwards Lawrence Joseph Ellison
Leon Edel Leonhard Paul Euler Linda Ellerbee
Linda Erdman Linda Eyre Lord Robert Devereux Essex
Loren Corey Eiseley Lou Erickson Louise Erickson
Loyd J. Ericson Lucy Ellman M. Egrafov
Mandie Ellingson Manfred Eigen Manton Sprague Eddy
Marcus Annaeus Seneca the Elder Marcus Porcius Cato the Elder Mari Evans
Maria Edgeworth Marian Wright Edelman Marie L. von Ebner-Eschenbach
Marie L. von Erner-Eschenbach Marshall Elizer Mary Ann (Marian) Evans
Mary Ann Evans Mary Baker Eddy Mary Ellen Edmunds
Mary Engelbreit Mary S. Edgar Maurits Corneille Escher
Maurits Cornelis Escher Max Ehrmann Max Forrester Eastman
Medgar Wiley Evers Melissa Lou Etheridge Melvin J. Evans
Milton Stover Eisenhower Mircea Eliade Moses Ibn Ezra
Nathaniel Emmons Nora Ephron Octavio Paz, Poet: gardener of epitaphs
Oliver Edwards P. D. East Paul Ehrlich
Paul Eldridge Paul Erdős Paul Erlich
Philip Mountbatten, Duke of Edinburgh Pierce Vincent Eckhart Pieter Bruegel the Elder
Pliny the Elder Professor Scott Elledge Queen Elizabeth I
Quintus Ennius Ralph Ellison Ralph Waldo Emerson
Ray D. Everson Richard Crockett Edgley Richard Exely
Richard Ghormley Eberhart Richard Louis Evans Robert Alan Edwards
Robert C. Edwards Robert Emmet Robin Evans
Roger Joseph Ebert Sam Ewing Samuel James Ervin Jr.
Sherwood Eddy Sir Anthony Eden Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington
Sir Harold Matthew Evans Sir John Egan Sir William Ellis
Sterling G. Ellsworth Stewart Emery Susan Ertz
Suzanne Edison T. S. Eliot Ted Engstrom
Thomas A. Edison Thomas Alva Edison Thomas Dunn English
Thomas Edwards Thomas English Thomas Stearns Eliot
Tryon Edwards Umberto Eco V. Erath
Vicky Elliott Violet Mary Firth Evans Walter Elliott
Werner Hans Erhard William Maxwell Evarts William Norman Ewer
Wyatt Earp