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Art is the only way to run away without leaving home.

Mar 28, 2025

Quotes: 53419
Authors: 9969

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Quote Sources Starting With 'L'

A. L. Linall Jr. Aaron Levenstein Abbott Joseph Liebling
Abraham Lincoln Adair Lara Adelaide Love
Admiral William D. Leahy Alain René Lesage Alan J. Lerner
Alan Lightman Aldo Leopold Aleksei Leonov
Alexandre Auguste Ledru-Rollin Alice Lee Roosevelt Longworth Alice Roosevelt Longworth
Alison Lurie Allen Lacey Allen Lacy
Alphonse de Lamartine Alphonse Marie Louis de Prat de Lamartine Amasa Mason Lyman
Amy Brown Lyman Amy Lawrence Lowell Amy Leslie
Andrew Bonar Law Andrew Lang Andrew Lloyd Webber, Baron Lloyd-Webber
Anita Loos Ann Lee Ann Morrow Lindbergh
Anne Lamott Anne Morrow Lindbergh Anne-Robert-Jacques Turgot, Baron de Laune
Anthony Lake Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier Arthur B. Laffer
Arthur F. Lenenhan Arthur Gordon 'Art' Linkletter Arthur J. Lamb
Arthur Lacey Arthur O. Lovejoy Audre Geraldine Lorde
Bar Lajeunesse Barbara Melser Lieberman Barry Holstun Lopez
Bea Lillie Béla Lugosi Benjamin Barr Lindsey
Benjamin Lichtenberg Beverly LaHaye Big Daddy Lipscomb
Bill Lee Bill Lye Blaine Lee
Bleiberg and Leubling Bob Levey Bonnie Lin
Brother Lawrence Bruce Lee Burt Lawlor
C. W. Leadbeater Carl Linnaeus Caroline Llewellyn
Carolyn Leigh Carter Lindberg Cathy Ladman
Cecil Laird Charles A. Lindbergh, Jr. Charles Augustus Lindbergh
Charles Lamb Charles Laughton Charles Luckman
Charles Lummis Chief Albert John Luthuli Chief Yellow Lark
Christopher Lasch Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Cindy Lew
Claire Booth Luce Clare Booth Luce Clare Boothe Luce
Claude-Joseph Rouget de Lisle Clive Staples (Jack) Lewis Clyde Francis Little
Colonel Henry Lee Cornelius Lanczos, Corrine Lajeunesse
Courtney Michelle Love Croesus of Lydia D. Lilienthal
D. V. Lindley D. Wayne Lukas Dalai Lama
Dali Lama David Eli Lilienthal David Herbert Lawrence
David Letterman David Livingstone David Lodge
Davis Love Jr. Dean LeRoy Larsen Della Adams Leitner
Denis Leary Diogenes Laërtius Don Leary
Doris Janzen Longacre Doris Lessing Doug Larsen
Doug Larson Dr. Dorothy Lee Dr. Elizabeth Garrett Anderson, LSA, MD
Dr. William Mather Lewis Duc de Levis E. Landau
E. St. Elmo Lewis E. V. Lucas E.V. Lucas
Eda LeShan Edmund Ronald Leach Edward Herbert Land
Edward Lear Edward Lucas Edward R. Lyman
Edward Verrall Lucas Edwin Herbert Land Eliphas Lévi
Elizabeth Lawrence Elizabeth Layton Elliot D. Landau
Elmer G. Letterman Elna Lanchester Emma Lazarus
Eric Lustbader Esther "Eppie" Pauline Friedman Lederer Eugene L'Hote
Evelyn Loeb F. Garcia Lorca Father Larry Lorenzoni
Federico García Lorca Fernand Lequenne Florence Luscomb
Frances Ann "Fran" Lebowitz Frances Moore Lappé Francis Marion Lyman
Francis William Leahy Francois le Lionnais Frank C. Lockwood
Franklin H. Littell Franz Lehár Franz Liszt
Frederick Carlton ("Carl") Lewis Frederick Langbridge Frederick Locker-Lampson
Friedrich von Logau G. H. Lewes Gabriel Lippman
Gaetano Alberto "Guy" Lombardo Gaius Lucilius Garcia Lorca
Gary Larsen Gary Larson Gary Lockwood
Gene R. LaRocque Geoffrey Latham Georg Christoph Lichtenberg
George Benjamin Luks George Gordon Battle Liddy George Henry Lewes
George Horace Latimer George Horace Lorimer George Leonard
George Linley George Lorimer George Parsons Lathrop
George Walton Lucas, Jr. George, Lord Lyttleton Gerald Stanley Lee
Gerry Laurence Giuseppe Tomasi Di Lampedusa Gloria Leonard
Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz Gotthold Ephraim Lessing Gotthold Lessing
Granny Lum Loy Gregory James "Greg" LeMond Gypsy Rose Lee
H. Bertram Lewis H.T. Leslie Harold Bingham Lee
Harold Lowman Harper Lee Helen Lawrenson
Hendrik Van Loon Hendrik Willem Van Loon Henri Léon Lebesgue
Henry C. Link Henry F. Lyte Henry Francis Lyte
Henry R. Luce Henry Sambrooke Leigh Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Holt's Law Howard Phillip Lovecraft Huey Pierce Long
Hugh Kingsmill Lunn Hut Landon Ignace Lepp
Imre Lakatos Israel Salanter Lipkin Ivy Ledbetter Lee
Jack London Jacob Levin James Douglas Muir "Jay" Leno
James F. Lincoln James R. Lowell James Russell Lowell
Janet Long Jaron Zepel Lanier Jayne Loader
Jean Baptiste Henri Lacordaire Jean-Baptiste Henri Lacordaire Jerome Lettvin
Jerry Lewis Jess Lair Jesse Lauriston Livermore
Jesse Louis Lasky Jim Lehrer Joan Lunden
Joe E. Lewis Joe E. Louis Joe Louis
Joe R. Lansdale Johann Kaspar Lavater John A. Lincoln
John Bernard Larroquette John C. Lettsom John Edensor Littlewood
John F. Lehman, Jr. John G. Lockhart John Lahr
John LeCarre John Lembo John Leo
John Leonard John Lilly John Locke
John Logan John Longden John Lowe
John Lyly John P. Lippett John Winston Lennon
Jon Lithgow Joseph E. Levine Joseph Louis LaGrange
Joseph-Louis LaGrange Joshua L. Liebman Joshua Liebman
Joshua Loth Liebman Justus von Liebig Karen Lamb
Kathy Lette Katie Louchheim Ken Laws
Kenny Loggins Ketzel Levine Konrad Zacharias Lorenz
Kurt Zadek Lewin Lactantius Lady Caroline Lamb
Laertius Lafayette Lalleswari
Lamartine Lamb Lance Morrow.
Larry Leissner Laurence Lee Lauter
Lazurus Long Leclerc Legare
Legouve Leibnitz Leland
Lennie Lower Leo Lionni Leon Max Lederman
Letitia Elizabeth Landon Letitia Landon Lewis E. Lawes
Liberace Linnaeus Livy
Lloyd lly Lord Lyttleton
Lord Owen Meredith Lytton Loretta Lynn Loriel
Louis Dearborn L'Amour Louis Lecoin Louise
ltaire Lucan Lucillius
Lucretius Lucy Larcom Lyle Pearce Lovett
Lyman Littlefield Lynette Love Madeleine K. L'Engle
Marcus Annaeus Lucanus Margaret Lewerth Margaret Lindsey
Maria Lenhart Maria Lovell Marie Laurencin
Marie Lloyd Mark Leeper Mark Lemon
Marquis de Lafayette Marshall Loeb Martin ("Marty") Liquori
Martin Luther Marvin D. Levy Mary Ashton Livermore
Mary Lowry Mary Mason Lyon Mary Rose Liverani
Mary Wilson Little Max Lucado Maxwell "Max" Alan Lerner
Maya Ying Lin Mel Lazarus Michael Landon
Michael LeBoeuf Michael Leunig Michael Levine
Michael Stephen Lolich Mike Lancelot Mike Leonard
Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov Mona Lippitt Mrs. C. Lowe
Murphy's Computer Laws Nancy Hanks Lincoln Nicholas Ling
Nikolai Lobatchevsky Ninon de L'Enclos Norman Alfred William Lindsay
Norman Milton Lear Octavio Paz Lozano Oren Lyons
Oscar Levant P. W. Litchfield Paul Landa
Percy Wynham Lewis Peter Loewer Peter London
Peter Mere Latham Phillip Lopate Phillippe-Auguste Villiers de l'Isle-Adam
Pierce Lewis Pierre Simon de Laplace Pierre-Simon, marquis de Laplace
R. A. Lafferty R. D. Lang R. L. Long
R. P. Lamont Ralph Lauren Raymond Loewy
Reginald Joseph Leach René A. Schwaller de Lubicz Richard Caruthers "Rich" Little
Richard Erskine Frere Leakey Richard Lewis Richard Livingstone
Richard Llewellyn Richard Lovelace Richard W. Langer
Ringgold Wilmer Lardner Robert Edward Lee Robert Keith Leavitt
Robert Leighton Robert Lembke Robert Loveman
Robert Lowell Robert Lowth Robert Lynd
Roger H. Lincoln Roger Lewin Ronald David Laing
Ronald Mandel "Ronnie" Lott Ronnie Lee Rose Lane
Roy Lichtenstein Rudoph E. Langer Russell Billiu Long
Russell C. Leffingwell S.E. LeBlanc Sam Levenson
Sam M. Lewis Samuel Lover Sandra Litoff
Segal's Law Selma Ottiliana Lovisa Lagerlof Shane Littlefield
Shannon Matilda Wells Lucid Sharon Lovejoy Shirley Lord
Sidney Lanier Sidney Lovett Sinclair Lewis
Sinikka Lasater Sir Austen Henry Layard Sir Harry Lauder
Sir Henry McLennan Lauder Sir John Lubbock Sir Oliver Joseph Lodge
Sir Richard Livingstone Sir Roger L'Estrange Sophia Loren
St. Theresa of Lisieux Stan Laurel Stan Lee
Stanislaus Leszcynski Stanislaw J. Lec Stanislaw Jerszy Lec
Stanisław I Leszczyński Stanisław Lem Stephen Butler Leacock
Stephen Butler Leacock, Stephen Lacey Stephen Levine
Steve Landesberg Susan Landau Susanne Langer
Suzanne LaFollette Suzanne Langer T.E. Lawrence
The 14th Dalai Lama The Dalai Lama The Lockhorns
The Rev. G. Avery Lee Thomas Andrew "Tom" Lehrer Thomas Andrew (Tom) Lehrer
Thomas Edward Lawrence Thomas H. Lipscomb Thomas Lodge
Thomas Lynch Thomas Wade Landry Thomas William Lamont, Jr.
Timothy Francis Leary Titus Livius Titus Livy
Tommy Lasorda Tommy Lee Trygve Halvdan Lie
Ursula K. LeGuin V. Z. Lawton Vachell Lindsay
Vernon Law Vincent Lombardi Vincent Thomas Lombardi
Violette Leduc Vivien Leigh Vladimir Ilich Lenin
W. A. Lewis Walter H. Lowy Walter Linn
Walter Lippmann Walter Savage Landor Wanda Landowska
Wanda Loveridge William James Lampton William Lamb
William Law William Lawson William Lecky
William Leybourn William Littler William Longgood
Winifred Mary Letts Wlaziu Valentino Liberace Yoko Ono Lennon