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Let every man be occupied, and occupied in the highest employment of which his nature is capable, and die with the consciousness that he has done his best.

Oct 22, 2024

Quotes: 53419
Authors: 9969

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A Bartlett Giamatti A. Goodier A. H. Gray
A. J. Gossip A. P. Giannini A. P. Gouthey
A.M. Gauthier Adam Lindsay Gordon Adrienne Gusoff
Alan Grant Alan Greenspan Alan Gregg
Albert Arnold "Al" Gore, Jr. Albert E. N. Gray Albert Gallatin
Albert Giacometti Alexander III 'the Great' Alfred Percival Graves
Alfred the Great Allen Ginsberg Alma De Groen
Althea Gibson André Ernest Modeste Gretry Andre Gide
Andre Godin Andrew Stephen Grove Angelo Bartlett "Bart" Giamatti
Anne Grant Anne Greenwood Antonio Gramsci
Archie Mason Griffin Arnold H. Glasgow Arnold H. Glasow
Arthur Godfrey Arthur Gordon Arthur Guiterman
Arthur Gutterman Arthur Michael Godfrey Aulus Gellius
Auric Goldfinger Ava Lavinia Gardner Baltasar Gracian
Baltazar Gracian Barry M. Goldwater Barry Morris Goldwater
Belfast Graffito Benito Perez Galdos Benoîte Groult
Bernard Gilpin Bernard Gunther Bhagavad Gita
Bill Granger Bob Goddard Bobcat Goldthwaite
Branko Grünbaum Brendan Gill Bryan S. W. Green
Carl Friedrich Gauss Carl Gunter Carlo Osvaldo Goldoni
Carmen Birnos De Gasstold Carolyn Green Carter Goodrich
Cary Grant Cathy Lee Guisewite Celia Elizabeth Green
Charles André Joseph Marie de Gaulle Charles Andre Joseph Mario de Gaulle Charles Ghigna
Charles Gordon Charles H. Gabriel Charles H. Grosvenor
Charles R. Gow Charles William Gordon Charlotte P Gillman
Charlotte Perkins Gilman China Galland Christian Furchtegott Gellert
Christian Gauss Clark Gable Clement Greenberg
Clifford James Geertz Curt Goetz Cyrus the Great
Daniel Goldman Daniel Goleman Daniel Greenberg
Daniel S. Greenberg Darius the Great David Gardener
David Garrick David Geffen David Grayson
David Hillel Gelernter David Lloyd George De Gentis
Delphine Girardin Dennis Gabor Dolores Ibárruri Gómez
Dominic Anthony Galento Don Galer Donald R. Gannon
Dorothy Frances Gurney Dorothy Gilman Doug Gwyn
Dr. George Grier Dr. Guttman, MD Dr. Rob Gilbert
Earl J. Glade Edgar Albert Guest Edmond and Jules De Goncourt
Edmond De Goncourt Edmund Gwenn Eduardo Hughes Galeano
Edvard Hagerup Grieg Edward Carter Glass Edward Gibbon
Edward Giobbi Edward Grimsley Edward H. Griggs
Elbridge Gerry Eleanor di Giulio Elena Petrovna Gan
Elinor Glyn Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell Elizabeth Gaskell
Elizabeth Goudge Ellen Anderson Gholson Glasgow Ellen Goodman
Emile de Girardin Emma Goldman Eric B. Gutkind
Ernest J. Gaines Ernest Kellogg Gann Ernesto 'Che' Guevara
Ernesto 'Che’ Guevara Eugene G. Grace Eva Gabor
Évariste Galois Fiorello La Guardia Fra Giovanni Giocondo
Francesco Guicciardini Francis Newton Gifford Francois Guisot
François Pierre Guillaume Guizot Françoise Giroud Frank B. Gilberth
Frank J. Giblin II Frederick II the Great G'Kar
G. W. Green Gail Goodwin Gail Kathleen Godwin
Gaius Gaius Cornelius Gallus Galileo Galilei
Gallagher Gânter Grass Gary Gilmore
Gary Mark Gilmore General George Pickett Gettysburg George Gardner
George Gershwin George Gilder George Gillburg
George Granville or Grenville George Gurdjieff George Horace Gallup
George II George L. Griggs George Leslie Gobel
George W. Goethals Georges Guynemer Georgie Anne Geyer
Gerald Griffin Gerard Gerard Groote
Gerhard Groote Germaine Greer Gian Vincenzo Gravina
Gina Gillespie Giuseppe Garibaldi Goldman
Gordon Graham Gorgias Gotthold
Gowan Grace Glueck Graciarz
Grant Gilmore Gregg Gregory I
Gregory J. Godeck Gregory J. P. Godek Greta Garbo
Greville Guindon Guizot
Günter Grass Gurdjieff Gyodai
H. Aldrich Gillespie H. Joseph Gerber H. T. Garvey
Ha Gakure Hans Ruedi Giger Harold S. Geneen
Harold Sydney Geneen Harry Graham Hasebah George
Heavyweight boxer Tony Galento Heber Jeddy Grant Helen Giangregorio
Helen Lee Goates Henepola Gunaratana Henry George
Henry Giles Henry Graham Greene Herbert John "Jackie" Gleason
Herbert John Gladstone, 1st Viscount Gladstone, Hermann Goering Hermann Goring
Hermann Wilhelm Goering Hermione Gingold Hippolyte Jean Giraudoux
His Eminence James Cardinal Gibbons Horace Greeley Horace Gregory
Hugh Gilmore Hugh Simons Gibson Humphrey Gilbert
Indira Priyadarshini Gandhi Ira Gershwin Irwin Allen Ginsberg
Irwin Van Grove Isaac Goldberg J. G. Gallimore
J. H. Goldfuss J. W. Gibbs J. William Galbraith
J.W. Glaisher Jack Gould Jack H. Goaslind, Jr.
Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm James Abram Garfield James Garfield
James Graham Jan Glidewell Jane Garmey
Jean Chevalier and Alain Gheerbrant Jean Giraudoux Jean Goon
Jean Nicolas Grou Jean Paul Getty Jean-Luc Godard
Jedediah Morgan Grant Jeff Greenfield Jerome John "Jerry" Garcia
Jerry Gellis Jerry Gillies Jerry Greenwald
Jim Goodwin Jimmy Glass Joan Gilbert
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe John Ballantine Gough John C. Gifford
John C. Granville John Gall John Galsworthy
John Gardener John Gay John Gerard
John Gilmore John Glenn John H. Glenn, Jr.
John Holbrook Groberg John Kenneth Galbraith John P. Grier
John Paul Getty John William Gardner Johnny Frank Garrett
Jorge Granados Jose Ortega Gasset Jose Ortega y Gasset
Joseph Clark Grew Joseph Gallivan Joseph Glanvill
Joseph R. Garber Josiah Willard Gibbs Judy Garland
Jules de Gaultier Julian Grenfell Julins Gordon
Justin Gimelstob Kahlil Gilbran Karl Friedrich Gauss
Katharine Meyer Graham Katherine Graham Kenneth Goode
Kenneth Grahame Khalil Gibran King George V
Konstantinos Gavras Kurt Gödel Kurt Goedel
Larry Gates Larry Simon Gelbart Lawrence Gould
Léon Gambetta Leon Gellert Levi ben Gershon
Lewis Gannit Lewis Gantt Lewis McDonald Grizzard, Jr.
Lillian Diana Gish Linda Grayson Lizzy Gardiner
Lloyd George Lord Grade Loretta Girzartis
Louis Gerstner Louis J. Glickman Louise Guiney
Luke Gasteiger M. Grundler M. L. Gothein
Mabel Jones Gabbott Marcus Mosiah Garvey, Jr. Margaret Collier Graham
Maria Goeppert-Mayer Marie L. Gothein, Marie Luise Gothein
Martha Gellhorn Martha Gellman Martha Graham
Martha Grimes Martin Gardner Martin L. Gross
Marvin Gaye Mary Louise Cecilia "Texas" Guinan Matt Ghaffari
Matthew Abram Groening Max Gunther Meg Greenfield
Mel Gibson Michael Gartner Michael Gorman
Michael J. Gelb Mikhail Gornachov Mikhail Sergeyivich Gorbachev
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi Montagu Gere Mrs. Greville
Murray Gell-Mann Nadine Gordimer Nancy Grasby
Natalie Goldberg Neil Gershenfeld Neil Richard Gaiman
Nell Gwyn Nellie Blanchan De Graff Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus
Newton Leroy Gingrich Nezāmi-ye Ganjavī Nicholas Grimald
Nicholas P. Goodman Oliver B. Greene Oliver Goldsmith
Ortega y Gassett Ozzie St. George P. Gordon,
Pablo Pedro Gomez Paul De Gondi Paul Gallico
Paul Gardner Paul Garrett Paul Gaugin
Paul Gauguin Paul Geraldy Paul Joseph Goebbels
Paul Vincent Galvin Pierre Jules Théophile Gautier R. Gifford
R. H. Grant Rabbi Julius Gordon Ralph N. Gerard
Remy de Gourmant Remy de Gourmont Rev. Thomas Gaisford
Reverend Richard Gifford Rex Guinn Richard "Dick" Claxton Gregory
Richard Garnett Richard Gilder Richard Grafton
Richard Graves Richard J. Galbraith Richard le Galliene
Robert C. Gallagher Robert Francis 'Bobcat' Goldthwait Robert Francis Goheen
Robert Greene Robert Grudin Robert Hutchings Goddard
Robert K. Greenleaf Robert Ranke Graves Roberto C. Goizueta
Roberto Gilfraillani Robin Gray Romain Gary
Ronald Graham Rosalie Graber Rosemonde Gerard
Roslind Godlovitch Roy Goodman Roy R. Gilson
Rudolph W. Giuliani Russ Gaippe Russell Green
Ruth Bell Graham Sacha Guitry Saint Basil the Great
Saint Gregory I Samuel Garth Samuel Gilman
Samuel Gilmore Samuel Goldwyn Samuel Gompers
Samuel Grafton Samuel P. Ginder Sarah Moore Grimké
Selma Glasser Sen. Phil Gramm Shakti Gawain
Shecky Greene Sheila Graham Shirley Ann Grau
Shrimati Indira Gandhi Sidney Goff Sidney Greenberg
Simon & Garfunkel Sir Francis Galton Sir Herbert Gepp
Sir Herbert Nigel Gresley Sir James Michael Goldsmith Sir Philip Gibbs
Sir Richard Gardiner Sir Samuel Garth Sir Victor Gollancz
Sir Wilfred Grenfell Sir Wilfred Thomason Grenfell Sir William Gerald Golding
Sir William Schwenck Gilbert Solomon ibn Gabirol Speare Grace
Sri Chinmoy Kumar Ghose St. Gregory the Great Stanley C. Gault
Steffi Graf Stella Dorothea Gibbons Stephen Graham
Stephen Grellet Stephen Jay Gould Steven Gray
Strickland Gillian Susa Young Gates Susan Griffin
Sylvia Gerditz T. R. Glover Terry Garr
Thaddeus Golas Theodor Seuss Geisel Theodore Francis Green
Theodore Seuss 'Doctor Seuss' Geisel Theologia Germanica Thom Gunn
Thomas Gibbons Thomas Gray Thomas Guthrie
Thomas J. Grasso Trevor Griffiths Ulysses S Grant
Ulysses S. Grant Ursula K. Le Guin Ursula Kroeber Le Guin
Vartan Gregorian Victor Gendrano Victor P. Gendrano
Vigen Guroian Vincent Grant "Vince" Gill Vincent van Gough
Vincent Willem van Gogh Virgil Ivan "Gus" Grissom Virginia Crocheron Gildersleeve
Vivian Elisabeth Glyck W. C. Gannett W. I. E. Gates
W. Kelly Griffith W. L. George W. Timothy Gallwey
Walter Gagehot Walter Goodman Walter Wilber Gruber
Wayne Douglas Gretzky Webb B. Garrison Whitney Griswold
Willard Gibbs William Clark Gable William Ewart Gladstone
William Gaddis William Garrison William Gibson
William Gifford William Gilbert William Goldman
William Lloyd Garrison William Philip "Phil" Gramm William Schwenck Gilbert
Winifred Gallagher Wm. B. Given, Jr. Woodrow Wilson Guthrie
Yvette Gilbert Zaccheus Greeley Zane Grey
Zsa Zsa Gábor