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Art is the only way to run away without leaving home.

Mar 28, 2025

Quotes: 53419
Authors: 9969

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A. Sachs A.F.M. Smith Abel Stevens
Abraham "Bram" Stoker Abram Sacher Adam Smith
Adlai E. Stevenson Adlai Ewing Stevenson Adlai Stevenson
Admiral Raymond Ames Spruance Adolph Saphir Aksel Sandemose
Alan Bartlett Shepard, Jr. Alan Saporta Alastair Sim
Albert Sorel Albert Sterner Albert Szent-Gyorgyi
Alberto Salazar Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn Aleksandr Solzhnitsyn
Alexander Procofieff de Seversky Alexander Smith Alexander Solzhenitsyn
Alexandra Smith Alexandra Stoddard Alfred E. Smith
Alfred Emanuel Smith Alfred Éric Leslie Satie Alfred Pritchard Sloan, Jr.
Alfred Sheinwold Algernon Charles Swinburne Algernon Sidney
Alice Mackenzie Swaim Alice Steadman Alice Steinbach
Allen Shawn Allen stockdale Allen W. Sherzer
Amasa Leland Stanford Analee Skarin Anatoly Scharansky
Andre Sinyavsky Andy J. Sklivis Angela Schwindt
Anna Louise de Sta'l Anna Louise Strong Anna Sewell
Anne B. Sekel Anne Eleanor Scott-James Anne Sexton
Anne Shaw Anne Sullivan Anne Wilson Schaef
Anne Wilson Schael Annie Spiegelman Annie Sullivan
Antoine de Saint-Exupery Anvari Suhaili Arabella Smith
Aristotelis Sokratis Arnold Eric Sevareid Arnold Schoenberg
Arnold Schwarzenegger Arnot L. Sheppard, Jr. Aron Ettore Schmitz
Art Sisson Art Spander Arthur H. Stainback, D.D.
Arthur Meier Schlesinger, Jr. Arthur Schnabel Arthur Schoenhauser
Arthur Schopenhauer Arthur Scopenhauer Arthur Shopenhauer
Arthur Stringer Arthur William Symons Artur Schnabel
Augusta Stowe-Gullen Augustus Saint-Gaudens B. H. Streeter
Barbara B. Smith Barbara Stanwyck Barbara Streisand
Barbra Streisand Barry Spilchuk Baruch Spinoza
Ben Sira Ben Sobel Ben Sweetland
Benedict De Spinoza Benjamin 'Bugsy' Siegel Benjamin McLane Spock
Benjamin Stolberg Bernard Joseph Saurin Bertha Felicitas Sophie Freifrau von Suttner
Bertha Freifrau Von Suttner Bessie Smith Betty Smith
Beverly Sills Bill Sangster Bill Schenk
Bill Stern Birgitta of Sweden Bishop Fulton John Sheen
Bishop Fulton John Sheen, D.D. Bishop Fulton John Sheen, DD Bishop John Shelby Spong
Bjarne Stroustrup Blackie Sherrod Bobby Slayton
Brooke Christa Camille Shields Brooke Shields Bruce Frederick Joseph Springsteen
Bumper Sticker Burrhus Frederic Skinner C. A. Stoddard
C. C. Scott C. E. Graham Swft C. P. Snow
C. Smith Sumner Carl August Sandburg Carl Edward Sagan
Carl R. Smith Carl Sagan Carl Schurz
Carlos Santana Carol Siskind Carole Sheffield
Caroline Schroeder Carrie P. Snow Carrie Snow
Casey Stengal Casey Stengel Cecil O. Samuelson, Jr.
Cecile M. Springer Chang San-feng Charlene Spretnak
Charles Augustin Sainte-Beauve Charles de Secondat Charles Haddon Spurgeon
Charles M. Schulz Charles M. Skinner Charles Michael Schwab
Charles Monroe Schulz Charles P. Steinmetz Charles Percy Snow
Charles Prestwich Scott Charles Proteus Steinmetz Charles Rozell "Chuck" Swindoll
Charles Schwab Charles Seymour Charles Simmons
Charles Sorenson Charles Southwick Charles Sumner
Charles Swain Charles Thomas Studd Charles William Stubbs
Charlie Shedd Charlotte Smith Chief Judge Dolores Sloviter
Chief Seattle Christian Schubart Christopher Smart
Cindy Sherman Claire Sargent Claude Levi Strauss
Cliff Stoll Clifford Stoll Clinton aide George Stephanopolous
Clinton Scollard Constantin Sergeyevich Stanislavski Cornelia Otis Skinner
Craig Seibold Cybill Lynne Shepherd D. Smith
Daisetz Teitaro 'D.T.' Suzuki Dale Spender Dame Edith Sitwell
Dame Freya Madeleine Stark Dame Muriel Spark Dan Seligman
Dan Stanford Dave Sim David E. Sorensen
David Eugene Smith David Malcolm Storey David S. Slawson
David Sarnoff David Searles David Searls
David Squire Dean Edwards Smith Delbert L. Stapley
Delmore Schwartz Devon Sumner Diana Schneider
Diane Sawyer Dick Sutphen Dinah Shore
Don Sax Don Schula Donald Stuart
Dorothy Gladys "Dodie" Smith Dorothy Leigh Sayers Dorothy Sayers
Dorothy Stratten Douglas Steere Dr Albert Sweitzer
Dr. Strangelove Dr. Albert Schweitzer Dr. Benjamin Spock
Dr. D. H. Scott Dr. David Seabury Dr. Frederick R. Stamm
Dr. George Beals Schaller Dr. Hans Selye Dr. Harold Stonier
Dr. Herbert Shofield Dr. Jonas Edward Salk Dr. Keith Suter
Dr. Laura Schlessinger Dr. med. Steintl Dr. Robert Gordon Sproul
Dr. Suess Dr. Sumner H. Slichter Duncan Stuart
Dwight Small E. F. Schumacker E. J. Salisbury
E. R. Stettinius, Jr. E.F. Schumacher Earl O. Shreve
Ed Strong Edgar A. Shoaff Edgar A. Suter, MD
Edith Clara Summerskill, Baroness Summerskill Edmund H. Sears Edmund Smith
Edmund Spenser Eduard Sagalaev Edward C. Simmons
Edward G. Seubert Edward McChesney Sait Edward O. Sisson
Edward Rodman 'Rod' Serling Edward Simmons Edward Stanley
Edward Steichen Edwin H. Stuart Elaine Sherman
Elias Schwartz Elinor Smith Eliza Roxey Snow
Elizabeth Cady Stanton Elizabeth Seaton Ellen Simon
Elsa Schiaparelli Elsa Schiapirelli Emanuel Swedenborg
Emmanuel Schikaneder Emmett Smith Emperor Sigismund
Epes Sargent Erich Wolf Segal Ernst Friedrich "Fritz" Schumacher
Ernst Schroder Erwin Schroedinger Essie Summers
Ethel Annakin Snowden Eugene H. Spafford Evan A. Sholl
F. De Sua Faddah Slad Felix E. Schelling
Felix Salten Florence Schovel Florence Scovell Shinn
Florent Schmitt Frances Cardinal Spellman Francis Albert Sinatra
Francis B. Sayre Francis de Sales Francis Edward Smedley
Francis J. Spellman Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald and his wife, Zelda Sayre Francois Sagan
Frank B. Shutts Frank Lebby Stanton Frank Morrison 'Mickey' Spillane
Frank Morrison Spillane Frank Scully Frank Sheed
Franz Peter Schubert Frederick Saunders Frederick Soddy
Frederick Wallace Smith Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling Friedrich Wilhelm Ludolf Gerhard Augustin Baron von Steuben
G. F. Simmons G. Sarton G. Simmons
G. Steiner Gail Sheehy Gaius Plinius Secundus
Gaius Sallustius Crispus Sallust Gale Eugene Sayers Garry Shandling
Gary Alan Sinise General H. Norman Schwarzkopf General John B. Sedgwick
General O.P. Smith Geogre Saville George A. Sloan
George A. Smith George A. Stevens George Albert Smith
George Bernard Shaw George Campbell Scott George David Stewart
George Pratt Shultz George Robert Stephanopoulos George Sand
George Sanders George Santayana George Santiano
George Saunders George Savile George Scalabba
George Seaton George Sewell George Sheehan
George Sterling George Thomas Seaver Georges Simenon
Gerald Sykes Gerard Swope Germaine De Stael
Gerry Sikorski Gerry Spence Gertrude Stein
Girolamo Savonarola Gladys Bronwyn Stern Gloria Marie Steinem
Gloria Swanson Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner Gordon Selfridge
Grace Speare Graham Summer H. Gordon Selfridge
H. H. Munro (Saki) H. Norman Schwarzkoph H.E. Slaught
Haile Selassie Han Suyin Hannah Tatum Whitall Smith
Hans Sachs Harold E. Stassen Harold Stassen
Harriet Beecher Stow Harriet Elizabeth Beecher Stowe Harry Julius Shearer
Harry Stack Sullivan Hasidic saying Hector Hugh Munro Saki
Hedrick Smith Heidi Sandige Helder Simone
Henri B. Stendhal Henri La Salle Henry D. Sedgwick
Henry John Stephen Smith Henry L. Stinson Henry Lewis Stimson
Henry Sidgwick Henry Wheeler Shaw Herbert A. Schoenfeld
Herbert Alexander Simon Herbert Louis Samuel, 1st Viscount Samuel Herbert Spencer
Hermana Salazar Horace Smith Howard Schneider
Howard Schultz Howard Scott Hugh Sidey
Huston Cummings Smith Hyrum W. Smith Ian Stewart
Ida Scott Taylor. Ignazio Silone Igor Fyodorovich Stravinsky
Ikkyu Sojun Irwin Sarason Isaac Bashevis Singer
Isaac Merritt Singer Isidor Feinstein Stone J. A. Spender
J. C. Squire J. D. Salinger J. M. Synge
J. Michael Straczinski J. S. Singer J. Singer
J. W. Schopf J.D. Salinger J.H. Smith
J.J. Sylvester Jacob Getlar Smith Jacob H. Schiff
Jacopo Sannazaro Jacqueline Schiff Jacquelyn Small
James G. Sinclair James Shirley James Shotwell
James Stephens James Todd Spader James Van Sweden
Jan L.A. Van De Snepscheut Jan Struther Janet Sorensen
Jared Sparks Jason Smith Jean Charles Sismondi
Jean Petit Senn Jean Sibelius Jean-Paul Sartre
Jeffrey Outlaw Shallit Jerome Seinfeld Jessie Evans Smith
Jill Sobule Jim Samuels Jim Smoot
Jim Stovall Joan Benoit Samuelson Joannes STOBAEUS
Joe Sanders Johan August Strindberg Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller
John A. Schindler, MD John A. Shedd John A. Simone Sr.
John Addington Symonds John Arthur Spenkelink John B. Sheerin
John Babsone Lane Soule John Eldon Smith John Ernst Steinbeck
John Godfrey Saxe John Lancaster Spalding John of Salisbury
John R. Silber John S. Stokes, Jr. John Schaar
John Sculley John Scully John Sedding
John Selden John Seymour John Shedd
John Sheffield John Simon John Sinclair
John Singer Sargent John Sinor John Skelton
John Smith John Snaith John Spencer
John Steakley John Steinbeck John Sterling
John Stevenson John W. Scoville John Wesley Snyder
John William Navin Sullivan Jon Sobrino Jonathan Swift
Jose Simon Joseph Fielding Smith, Sr. Joseph Henry Shorthouse
Joseph Lincoln Steffens Joseph Michael Straczynski Joseph R. Sizoo, D.D.
Joseph Smith, Jr. Joseph Snipp Joseph Sobran
Joseph Story Juan Gines de Sepulveda Judith Stern
Judith Stone Julia Sorel June Smith
Kate Sawford Katherine Seelig Kathleen A. Sutton
Kathryn S. Smith Kathy Seligman Keith Sharee
Kelli Schmidt Kelly Stephens Kennedy Schultz
Kenneth Schneider Kerri Allyson Strug Kevin Solway
L. J. Suenens Langdon Smith Lankavatara Sutra
Laura E. Stevens Laurence Sterne Lawrence Henry "Larry" Summers
Lawrence Stone Lee Salk Lee Stapp
Leó Szilárd Leonard Cohen Singer Leonard I. Sweet
Leszczynski Stanislaus Lewis L. Straus Lewis Schwellenbach
Lila Stuart Lillian Smith Liz Smith
Lloyd P. Provost & R. M. Sprout Logan Pearsall Smith Lonny Starr
Lord Salisbury Lord Southwood Lord Stowell
Lorenzo Snow Louis Antoine Léon de Saint-Just Louis Aston Marantz Simpson
Louis Henri Sullivan Louis Scutenaire Louis Slesin
Louise Suggs Lucius Annaeus Seneca Lucy Stone
Lugones & Spelman Luke Salisbury Luke Skywalker
Lydia H. Sigoteney Lydia Sigourney Lyle E. Schaller
Lysander Spooner M. G. Siriam Mack Sennett
Madame Anne Louise Germaine de Staël Madame Anne Sophie Swetchine Madeleine Scuderi
Maggie Scarf Margaret Chase Smith Margaret Higgins Sanger
Margaret Sangster Margaret Smith Margaret Stowe
Maria Straus Marie de Rabutin-Chantal, Marquise de Sévigné Marie de Sevigne
Marie Stendhal Marie Sue Marilyn vos Savant
Marina Schinz Marion Isabelle Sims Smith Spafford Marion Schoeberlein
Mark Sauer Mark Slouka Mark Strand
Mark Sullivan Marquis De Sade Marquise de Sévigné
Marquise Magdeleine de Sablé Marsha Sinetar Martha Scott
Martha Stewart Martin W. Sampson Marty Stuart
Mary Freeman Startzman Mary Louise Streep Mary Shafer
Mary Shelly Mary Somerville Mary Theresa Schmich
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley Matt Spinks Matthew Stasior
Maurice Bernard Sendak Maurice F. Strong Maurice Switzer
Max Schling Max Stirner May Sarton
McCall Spirit Melinda Shore Merle Shan
Michael Bruce Sterling Michael D. Stephens Michael W. Smith
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra Miles Smith Milton R. Sapirstein
Milton Segal Minnie Richard Smith Minot Judson Savage
Minot Osgood Simons, DD Monica Seles Morley Saefer
Morris Schectman Mr. Shellhammer Myra Maybelle Shirley Reed Starr
N. D. Stice Nader Shureih Neil J. Seatlee
Neil Simon Nick Seitz Norman Schwartzkopf
O. B. Smith O. Leslie Stone Olive Emilie Scheider
Oliver Sacks Oscar S. Straus Oswald Arnold Gottfried Spengler
Otto Spengler Outstanding Informational Series Outstanding Talk Show
Pam Shaw Pat Schroeder Patrick Hewes Stewart
Paul Anthony Samuelson Paul D. Shafer Paul Frederic Simon
Paul Frederick Simon Paul Howe Shepard, Jr. Paul Seeney
Paul Somerson Paul Speicher Paul Strand
Pearl Strachen Percy Alfred. Scholes Percy Bysshe Shelley
Pete Sampras Peter Richard Henry Sellers Peter Sellers
Peter Sintic Peter Steele Philip Salisbury
Philip Simborg Phillip Dormer Stanhope Phyllis Schlafly
Porter Sargent Potter Stewart Preston Sturges
Prof. Steiner Prof. H. E. Stocher Propertius Sextus
R. C. Samsel R. H. J. Steuart R. Lee Sharpe
R. Shannon R. Smith R.C. Samsel
Rabbi H. Schachtel Ralph & Pamela Vaull Starr Ralph W. Sockman D.D.
Ralph W. Sockman, D.D. Ralph Washington Sockman Raphael Sanzio
Ray J. Solomonoff Raymond Swing Red Sanders
Reed Smoot Rev. Sydney Smith Reverend Sidney Strong
Rich Sherman Richard Ben Sapir Richard Brinsley Sheridan
Richard Gordon Scott Richard Henry 'Peter' Sellers Richard Matthew Stallman
Richard Sasuly Richard Savage Richard Shacklock
Richard Steele Richard Stoddard Richard Strauss
Richard W. Shelly, Jr. Rob Stampfli Robert Allan Shivers
Robert D. Sprecht Robert Falcon Scott Robert H. Schuller
Robert L. Short Robert L. Simpson Robert L. Stevenson
Robert Louis Stevenson Robert Merton "Bob" Solow Robert Salkin
Robert Scheid Robert Schumann Robert Schwartz
Robert Shaffer Robert Smith Surtees Robert Sommer
Robert South Robert Southey Robert Stemple
Robert W. Sarnoff Robert W. Shaunon Robert William Service
Rodney (Gipsy) Smith Roger Starr Roger Swain
Roy L. Smith Roy Richard Scheider Rudolf Steiner
Russell Smith RUTH SAWYER Ruth Sentor
Ruth Stout S. E. Stanton S. Smiles
S. Sternberg Saadi Saddi
Sadhu Sundar Singh Sadi Saeed Al Sayyaf
Saint Catherine of Siena Saint Francis of Sales' Saint Isidore of Seville
Saint-Evremond Sampuu Samuel Francis Smith
Samuel Jackson "Sam" Snead Samuel M. Shoemaker, D.D. Samuel Smiles
Sandra Swinney Sanjay Singh Sankara
Santoka Sappho Sara Stein
Saraha Saville Schlegel
Scott Secker Segur
Seigneur de Saint-Evremond Seinfeld Selvaggi
Senancour Senator Soaper Seng-ts'an
Senseki Seung Sahn Haeng Won Soen-sa Shaftesbury
Shawn S. Stevenson Sheakespeare Sheikh Muslih–uddin Saadi Shirazi
Shelby Steele Sheldon Alan "Shel" Silverstein Shenstone
Sherlock Shiki Shimano, Inc.
Shin'ichi Shotetsu Shunryu Suzuki
Shunryu Suzuki-roshi Siegfried Loraine Sassoon Signers
Simeon Strunsky Siminides Simone Signoret
Sir Boyle Schiller-Roche Sir Charles Percy Snow Sir Edwin Sandys
Sir George Sitwell Sir Henry Morton Stanley Sir John Robert Seeley
Sir John Suckling Sir Josiah Stamp Sir Leslie Stephen
Sir Osbert Sitwell Sir Owen Seaman Sir Peter Smithers
Sir Philip Sidney Sir Richard Steele Sir Stephen Harold Spender
Sir Sydney Smith Sir Tom Stoppard Sir Walter Scott
Sir William Slim Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill Sivananda
Slobkin Socrates Solomon Short
Solon Sophocles Sosehawa
Sovereignty Spalding Speckled Snake
Spencer Spengler Spinoza
Spirella Spock St. Francis de Sales
St. François de Sales Stanislaus I Stanley J. Sarnoff
Starhawk statius Stephan Schiffman
Stephen Arthur Stills Stephen Joshua Sondheim Stephen Strauss
Stephen Switzer Sterling Welling Sill Steve Smith
Steve Steinberg Stevenson Stevie Smith
storey Strabo Suetonius
Susan Hill & Rory Stuart Susan Michaelin Sullivan Susan Polis Schutz
Susan Sarandon Susan Sontag Susan Stafford
Swami Sivananda Swedenborg Sydney Smith
Sylvester Stallone T. H. Sanford T. Laurence Seibert
T. W. Saunders Takuan Soho Tecumseh, of the Shawnees
Ted Shawn Ted Soqui The Rev. Robert H. Schuller
Theodore A. Stephens Theodore C. Speers, D.D. Theodore Cuyler Speers, D.D.
Theodore Sturgeon Thomas S. Szasz Thomas Savage
Thomas Scott Thomas Shadwell Thomas Sherlock
Thomas Somerville Thomas Sowell Thomas Sprat
Thomas Stephen Szasz Thomas Sydenham Tim Smit
Tobias G. Smollett Tobias George Smollett Tom Spencer
Tony Snow Tupac Amaru Shakur Tzu Sun
Unidentified Old Teton Sioux Upton Sinclair V. Stepanov
Valdemar W. Setzer Valerie Steele Velma West Sykes
Vida D. Scudder Vidal Sassoon Vilhjalmur Stefansson
Vilhjalmur Stefensson Virginia Satir Vita Sackville-West
W. G. Sibley W. J. Slim Wallace Stenger
Wallace Stevens Walter Carruthers Sellar Walter Dill Scott
Walter M. Schirra, Sr. Walter Sickert Warren Schultz
Weston Smith Wil Shriner Wilbert E. Scheer
Wilbur F. Storey Wilfrid John Joseph Sheed Willard Christopher "Will" Smith, Jr.
William A. Scully, D.D. William Ashley (Billy) Sunday William Ashley Sunday
William Clark Styron, Jr. William Clement Stone William F. (Blackie) Sherrod
William G. Simms William G. T. Shedd William Graham Sumner
William Greenough Thayer Shedd William H. Sheldon William Henry Seward, Sr.
William Joseph Slim William L. Safire William Olaf Stapledon
William Reece Smith, Jr. William Robert Spencer William Sanday
William Saroyan William Scarborough William Scott, Lord Stowell
William Shakespeare William Sharp William Shaw
William Shenstone William Simms William Somerville
William Spooner William Stevenson William Strunk, Jr.
William Symonds William T. Sherman William Tecumseh Sherman
Winfield Scott Yasser Sierawan Zachary Scott
Zenkei Shibayama Zenna Schaffer