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Art is running away without ever leaving home.

Mar 28, 2025

Quotes: 53419
Authors: 9969

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Quote Sources Starting With 'P'

A. Owen Penny A. Pavletich A. Poincelot
A. W. Pink A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada Adelaide Procter
Alan Stewart Paton Albert Peel, D.D. Albert Pike
Albert Pine Alderman J. Pilone Aleksei Maksimovich Peshkov
Alexander Penney Alexander Pope Alexander Pushkin
Alexander Sergeievich Pushkin Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin Alexander ‘the Russian Rocket’ Popov
Alexandra Penney Alfred Edward Perlman Alix Pasterick
Allan Pinkerton Alma Powell Ambrose Philips
Amos Parrish Amos Pettingill Andrew Preston Peabody
Angie Papadakis animals find their way into my garden, I water them and they come up roses. Patti Anna Pavlovna Pavlova
Anthony Dymoke Powell Antonio Porchi Antonio Porchia
Apostle Paul Arnold Daniel Palmer Arthur Paul Patterson
Arthur W. Page Arthur Wing Pinero Austin Phelps
Ayala M. Pines Bahya ibn Pakuda Barbara De Angelis, PhD
Barbara Mary Crampton Pym Barbara Paley Beilby Porteous
Beilby Portus Benjamin Peirce Bernadette Peters
Beryl Pfizer Betty Pettit Bill Press
Bishop Henry C. Potter Blaise Pascal Blaise Paschal
Boies Penrose Bonnie Parker Bonnie Pinegar
Bonnie Prudden Boris Leonidovich Pasternak Boyd Kenneth Packer
Bryan W. Procter Bryan Waller Procter Camille Anna Paglia
Candy Polgar Carol Lynn Pearson Carol Pearson
Catherine M. Prostak Catherine Ponder Cesare Pavese
Channing Pollock Charles "Bird" Parker, Jr. Charles Cotesworth (C.C.) Pinckney
Charles E. Popplestone Charles Henry Parkhurst Charles Peters
Charles Phillips Charles Sanders Peirce Charles William Penrose
Christabel Pankhurst Christopher Parker Claude Denson Pepper
Claudius Ptolemaeus (Ptolemy) Clementine Paddleford Cole Albert Porter
Colin Powell Colonel Samuel Prescott Coventry Kersey Dighton Patmore
Coventry Patmore Cyril Northcote Parkinson Cyril Parkinson
D. N. Perkins Dal Perry Daniel A. Poling
David Graham Phillips David M. Paton David Polis
David Popenoe David Pratt David. J. Schwartz, PhD
Dennis A. Peer Diadochus Proclus Diane De Poitiers
Dianne de Poitiers Dolly Rebecca Parton Donald C. Peattie
Donald Culross Peattie Dorothy Parker Dorthy Parker
Dr. Laurence J. Peter Dr. Lawrence J. Peter Dr. Linus Carl Pauling
Dr. Norman Vincent Peale Dr. Pace Dr. Paul W. Popenoe
E. Parmalee Prentice E. Purcell Ed Pinegar
Eden Phillpotts Edgar Allan Poe Edgar Allen Poe
Edmund Kealoha Parker Edward Bouverie Pusey Edward John Phelps
Edward Pusey Edward William Proxmire Eleanor Perenyi
Elias Penn-Smith Ellen Parr Elvis Presley
Emily Prager Emmanuel Philibert Emmeline Pankhurst
Emo Philips Emo Phillips Enrique Jardiel Poncela
Ernest R. Palen, D.D. Esther Eggertsen Peterson Eugenia Price
Ezra Pound First Presidency Florence Percy
Folliott S. Pierpont Francesco Petrarca Petrarch Francesco Petrarch
Francesco Pfauth Francis Gary Power Francis Palgrave
Freddie Prinze Frederick Philipse Frederick Pierce
Frederick Pollock Friedrich (Frederick) Salomon Perls G. D. Prentice
Gary Lee Phillips Gary Player General 'Chesty' Puller
General George S. Patton General George Smith Patton, Jr. Geoffrey Parsons
George D. Prentice George Dennison Prentice George E. Pataki
George Peabody George Peele George Polyá
George S. Patton Georges Jean Raymond Pompidou Georges Pomidou
Giacomo Puccini Glenn Leroy Pace Gloria Pitzer
Gretta Brooker Palmer Grove Patterson H. J. Phllips
H. R. Palmer H. Ross Perot H. W. Prentis, Jr.
H.C. Ham Park Harold Cooke Phillips, D.D.
Harold Pinter Harvey H. Potthoff Heanne Philips
Heinz R. Pagels Helen Perkes Henri Perrin
Henri Poincar Henri Poincare Henry Purcell
Herbert V. Prochnow Hester Lynch Piozzi Hugh Park
Hugh Prather Hugh Wallace Pinnock Ida Stewart Peay
Ieoh Ming Pei Iggy Pop Irene Peter
Isaac L. Peretz Isaac Pennington Isabel Paterson
Ivy Baker Priest J. B. Phillips J. B. Priestley
J. G. Pollard J. M. Power J.M. Power
Jack Penn Jacques Prévert James Cash Penney
James G. Percival James Knox Polk James Martin Paramore
James Paytiamo James Percival Jan Ignace Paderewski
Jane Porter Jannie Putter Jean Paul
Jean Pedersen Jean-Luc Picard Jeff Pesis
Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi Johann Pachelbel John B. Priestly
John Boynton Priestley John C. Polanyi John C. Powys
John De Paola John Douglas Pringle John Garland Pollard
John H. Patterson John Parr John Patrick
John Peers John Petit-Senn John Philips
John Pierpont John Plomp John Pomfret
John Powell John Roderigo Dos Passos John V. Politis
Joseph Chilton "Joe" Pearce Joseph de Palafox Joseph Parker
Joseph Priestley Joseph Priestly Joseph Pulitzer
Joseph Vincent Paterno Jozef Hand-Boniakowski, PhD Jules Henri Poincaré
Julia Penelope Karl Pearson Karl Raimund Popper
Katherine Anne Porter Katherine Paterson Keith Preston
Ken Patton Kenneth Patchen Kenneth Patton
Kenneth W. Porter Kirby Puckett Klare Provine
L.M. Passano Labhesh Patel Lammot du Pont
Laurance Peter Laurence J. Peter Laurens Van der Post
Lawrence Clark Powell Lawson Purdy Leroy Robert "Satchel" Paige
Leroy Satchell Paige Lester B. Pearson Lester Bowles Pearson
Lewis E. Pierson Linus Carl Pauling Louis Benoît Picard
Louis Pasteur Lowell Tom Perry Lu Tung, Chinese Poet
Luciano Pavarotti Lynn Purse, M. A. Persinger
Margaret Preston MARGE Piercy Margie Piercy
Marilyn Peterson Marshal HENRI PETAIN Mary Ellen Pogue
Mary Pettibone Poole Mary Pickford Mary Violet Leontyne Price
Maryon Pearson Mathew Prior Matthew Pordage
Matthew Prior Max De Pree Max Planck
Mestrius Plutarchus Michael Phillips Michael Pollan
Michael Pritchard Michelle Marie Pfeiffer Milo Perkins
Minnie Pearl Miranda Padgett Miss Piggy
Monica Piper Monty Python Morgan Scott Peck
Mr. Philbrick Nancy Price Nathan M. Pusey
Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett Neil Peart Neil Postman
Nicolò Paganini O. W. Polen Oail Andrew “Bum” Phillips
Oliver H. Perry One Bad Pig Orson Pratt
Otavio Paz Outstanding Writing in a Variety or Music Program Pablo Ruiz Picasso
Padraic Pearse Pagels Pamela Vandyke Price
Paracelsus Paramahansaji Parlette
Parley P. Pratt Pat Paulsen Paul C. Packer
Paul Ekman, PhD Paul Palmer Paul VI
Paul W. Popenoe Paula Poundstone Pavlov
Payne peacemaker Perelandra
Perelman Periander Pericles
Perseus Persius Peter G. Peterson
Peter Pindar Petronius Phaedrus
Philemon Philip II Philipe Pinel
Philipus Aureolus Paracelsus Phocylides Phædrus
Pietro Perugino Píladan pillar
Pilpay Pindar Pittacus
Pius VI Plato Plotinus
Pocahontas Pollack Polybius
Pomfret Pope Paul VI Pope John Paul I
Pope John Paul II Pope Pius XI Porphyry
Porterfield Porteus Prentice
Priapus Price Pritchett Priscilla Painton
Protagoras proverb Publilius
Punch Pymander Pythagoras
R. A. Pinker R. Palmer Rabbi Pinhas
Rachel Peden Ralph Barton Perry Rev. William Paley
Rex D. Pinegar Rey L. Pratt Richard Pratt
Robert G. Pedersen Robert M. Pyle Robert Maynard Pirsig
Robert Perry Robert Pollok Robert Powers
Robert Treat Paine, Jr. Roger Pritchard Roman Polanski
Ronald Eugene Poelman Rosa Parks Rosa Praed
Roscoe Pound Ross Perot Rt Rev Beilby Porteus, DD
Russell Page Ruth Pitter Ruth Sando Fahnbulleh Perry
S.J. Perelman Saint Paul Saint Vincent de Paul
Sally Poplin Samuel Barrett Pettengill Samuel Palmer
Samuel Paterson Samuel Pepys Saskya Pandita
Sean Penn Sen. William Proxmire Sergey Prokofiev
Seth Parker Sextus Propertius Seymour Papert
Sidney James Webb, 1st Baron Passfield Sidney Joseph Perelman Sidney Powell
Siméon Poisson Simon Pokagon Sir Arthur Wing Pinero
Sir George Porter Sir John C. Polkinghorne Sir John Powell
Sir Victor Sawdon Pritchett Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa Stefanie Powers
Stephani Perry Stephen Phillips Stephen Potter
Steve Perry Steve Polyak Susan Powter
Susanna Pomeory Sylvia Plath Sylvia Porter
Ted Pile Terry Pratchett Theodore Parker
Thomas Boone Pickens, Jr. Thomas I. Parkinson Thomas J. 'Tom' Peters
Thomas Love Peacock Thomas Nelson Page Thomas Paine
Thomas Parnell Thomas Percy Thomas Pickering
Titus Maccius Plautus Tom Gordon Palmer Tom H. Pear
Tom Parsons Tom Peters Tom Petty
Tyler Powell Valentin Louis Georges Eugène Marcel Proust Vilfredo Federico Damaso Pareto
Viscount Henry John Temple Palmerston W. M. Paxton W. W. Broadbent, MD, PhD
Waite Phillips Walker Percy Walter B. Pitkin
Walter Horatio Pater Walter Pope Wendell Phillips
Wilfred A. Peterson William Charles Franklyn Plomer William Horatio Powell
William Lyon Phelps William M. Peck William Paley
William Penn William Phillips William Pitt
William Pitt, 'the Elder Pitt' William Pitt, 'the Younger Pitt' William Pulteney
William Tyler Page Wilson Phillips Winthrop Mackworth Praed
Wolfgang Ernst Pauli Zeuxis of Heraclea and Parrhasius